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JezeroGeoUnitsAnno_WebTile2 (Map Service)

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Current Version: 10.81

Service Description:
This map is for viewing purposes only. Official map products (PDF and GIS files) can be found on the USGS Publications Warehouse page.

Suggested citation: "Sun, V.Z., and Stack, K.M., 2020, Geologic map of Jezero crater and the Nili Planum region, Mars: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3464, pamphlet 14 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:75,000,"

The cratered highlands located northwest of Isidis Planitia have been recognized as one of the best preserved Noachian landscapes currently exposed on Mars, hosting a record of diverse surface processes, diagenesis, and aqueous alteration. This region has consistently been considered a high priority for landed mission exploration, and includes the anticipated landing site of the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover within Jezero crater. Past mapping efforts focused on Jezero crater and the area outside it, Nili Planum, have varied in spatial extent, map scale, and purpose, though none have provided a continuous, high-resolution geologic map at uniform scale connecting the two locations. This effort represents the first, large-scale, continuous geologic map spanning both Jezero crater and Nili Planum using high resolution images.

The map area contains the majority of both Jezero crater and Nili Planum at a publication map scale of 1:75,000, which was chosen to encompass the Jezero and southern Nili Planum landing sites under consideration for the Mars 2020 mission at the time of project initiation. This map covers an area that is exactly 1 by 1 degree (~60 by 60 km), spanning 76.8 to 77.8°E in longitude and 17.7 to 18.7°N in latitude. The primary base map used for this geologic map is composed of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter’s Context Camera (CTX) images, compiled into a 6 meter per pixel mosaic. A nighttime Thermal Emission Imaging System 100 m/pixel image mosaic, digital terrain models constructed from CTX images, High-Resolution Stereo Camera topographic data, and High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment images also aided in unit identification and the assessment of stratigraphic relationships. We defined map units on the basis of various characteristics visible in the CTX data at map scale, such as their texture, tone, morphology, marginal characteristics, geographic location, and stratigraphic relationship to other units. Some units occur solely within Jezero crater, while Nili Planum contains a sequence of units that are present across the broader northwest Isidis region. Other units occur in both Jezero crater and Nili Planum, including bedrock, aeolian, and crater units. This map product provides a regional geologic framework that connects the geologic units across Jezero crater and Nili Planum and the history they imply, facilitates future local-scale observations by landed missions of the Jezero and Nili Planum region, and enables the extrapolation of units that have been defined primarily by mineralogic composition to areas where there is no existing orbital spectroscopic data

Map Name: Sun and Stack (2020)


All Layers and Tables

Layers: Tables: Description:
This map is for viewing purposes only. Official map products (PDF and GIS files) can be found on the USGS Publications Warehouse page.

Suggested citation: "Sun, V.Z., and Stack, K.M., 2020, Geologic map of Jezero crater and the Nili Planum region, Mars: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3464, pamphlet 14 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:75,000,"

The cratered highlands located northwest of Isidis Planitia have been recognized as one of the best preserved Noachian landscapes currently exposed on Mars, hosting a record of diverse surface processes, diagenesis, and aqueous alteration. This region has consistently been considered a high priority for landed mission exploration, and includes the anticipated landing site of the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover within Jezero crater. Past mapping efforts focused on Jezero crater and the area outside it, Nili Planum, have varied in spatial extent, map scale, and purpose, though none have provided a continuous, high-resolution geologic map at uniform scale connecting the two locations. This effort represents the first, large-scale, continuous geologic map spanning both Jezero crater and Nili Planum using high resolution images.

The map area contains the majority of both Jezero crater and Nili Planum at a publication map scale of 1:75,000, which was chosen to encompass the Jezero and southern Nili Planum landing sites under consideration for the Mars 2020 mission at the time of project initiation. This map covers an area that is exactly 1 by 1 degree (~60 by 60 km), spanning 76.8 to 77.8°E in longitude and 17.7 to 18.7°N in latitude. The primary base map used for this geologic map is composed of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter’s Context Camera (CTX) images, compiled into a 6 meter per pixel mosaic. A nighttime Thermal Emission Imaging System 100 m/pixel image mosaic, digital terrain models constructed from CTX images, High-Resolution Stereo Camera topographic data, and High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment images also aided in unit identification and the assessment of stratigraphic relationships. We defined map units on the basis of various characteristics visible in the CTX data at map scale, such as their texture, tone, morphology, marginal characteristics, geographic location, and stratigraphic relationship to other units. Some units occur solely within Jezero crater, while Nili Planum contains a sequence of units that are present across the broader northwest Isidis region. Other units occur in both Jezero crater and Nili Planum, including bedrock, aeolian, and crater units. This map product provides a regional geologic framework that connects the geologic units across Jezero crater and Nili Planum and the history they imply, facilitates future local-scale observations by landed missions of the Jezero and Nili Planum region, and enables the extrapolation of units that have been defined primarily by mineralogic composition to areas where there is no existing orbital spectroscopic data

Copyright Text: Sun, V.Z., and Stack, K.M., 2020, Geologic map of Jezero crater and the Nili Planum region, Mars: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3464, pamphlet 14 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:75,000,

Spatial Reference:

Single Fused Map Cache: true

Capabilities: Map,TilesOnly,Tilemap

Tile Info:
Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Min Scale: 600000.0
Max Scale: 10000.0

Min LOD: 0
Max LOD: 10

Units: esriMeters

Supported Image Format Types: PNG

Export Tiles Allowed: false
Max Export Tiles Count: 100000

Document Info: