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Legend (Geologic_map_of_Alaska_TileLayer)

u_pb_ages (0)
radiometric_ages (1)
AKStategeol_dike (3)
AKStategeol_lineament (4)
AKStategeol_arc (5)
Stratigraphic contact or intrusive contact, location certain
Stratigraphic contact or intrusive contact, location approximate
Stratigraphic contact or intrusive contact, location inferred, queried
Normal fault, location certain
Normal fault, location approximate
Normal fault, location inferred, queried
Shoreline or riverbank
Internal contact or phase change (not drawn)
Boundary of altered zone or hornfels (not drawn)
Thrust fault, location certain, teeth on right from origin
Thrust fault, location approximate, teeth on right from origin
Thrust fault, location inferred, queried, teeth on right from origin
Moraine or till margin (scour) on bedrock
Caldera or crater rim
Ice contact (glacier limit)
Internal contact
Moraine limit having tics on right from origin
Caldera or crater rim, inferred, concealed
Fault, sense of displacement uncertain, location certain
Fault, sense of displacement uncertain, location approximate
Fault, sense of displacement uncertain, location inferred
Terrace, erosional, or wave-cut scarp, water on right from origin
High-angle reverse fault, location certain, teeth on right from origin
High-angle reverse fault, location approximate, teeth on right from origin
High-angle reverse fault, location inferred, teeth on right from origin
Moraine crest
Concealed contact
Concealed normal fault
Concealed thrust fault, teeth on right from origin
Concealed high-angle reverse fault, teeth on right from origin
Concealed normal fault, having right lateral oblique slip
Concealed normal fault, having left lateral oblique slip
Concealed right-lateral fault
Concealed left-lateral fault
Concealed shear zone
Concealed fault of uncertain displacement
Normal fault, location certain, having right lateral oblique slip
Normal fault, location approx., having right lateral oblique slip
Normal fault, location certain, having left lateral oblique slip
Normal fault, location approx., having left lateral oblique slip
Normal fault, location inferred, queried, having left lateral oblique slip
Normal fault, location inferred, queried, having right lateral oblique slip
Right lateral fault, location certain
Right lateral fault, location approximate
Right lateral fault, location inferred, queried
Left lateral fault, location certain
Left lateral fault, location approximate
Left lateral fault, location inferred, queried
Shear zone, location certain
Shear zone, location inferred
Scratch lines, used where polygons were not closed on source map or limit of mapping (not drawn)
International boundary
Quadrangle boundary
AKStategeol_poly (6)
CPxt - Tindir Group
CPxwg - Wales Group, undivided
CPxwgm - Wales Group marble
CPxwn - Wickersham and Neruokpuk units
CZls - Dolostone, limestone, orthoquartzite, and minor chert
CZogn - Orthogneiss
Ca - Adams Argillite
Clg - Lisburne Group, undivided
Clgk - Kogruk Formation
Clgt - Tupik Formation
Clgv - Volcanic rocks and sills associated with Lisburne Group
Crc - Rainbow chert
DCbg - Baird Group and similar rocks
DCd - White Mountain sequence, basinal facies
DCmt - Metaturbidite marble and calcareous schist
DOgi - Syenite, trondhjemite, and granite
DOhb - Hood Bay Formation
DOka - McCann Hill Chert, Road River Formation, and Troublesome unit of Weber and others (1992)
DOls - Thin-bedded limestone
DOmvs - Yanert Fork sequence of Csejtey and others (1992) and correlative rocks
DOnx - Marble, graphitic rocks, and schist
DOtm - Marble of Tukpahlearik Creek
DOtp - Pelitic schist and metavolcanic rocks of Tukpahlearik Creek
DOtu - Metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks of Tukpahlearik Creek, undivided
DPxacs - Calcareous schist of Brooks Range
DPxaqm - Quartz-mica schist of the Brooks Range
DPxasm - Mixed assemblage of metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks in the Brooks Range
DPxsgm - Schist, paragneiss, and marble
DSbr - Barren Ridge Limestone and correlative units
DSld - Shallow-marine carbonate-dominated rocks
DSpf - Paradise Fork Formation and correlative units
DSt - Tolovana Limestone
DSum - Older ultramafic rocks of southeast Alaska
DSwc - Whirlwind Creek Formation and correlative units
DSyl - Limestone of the Seward Peninsula
DZkb - Older carbonate strata of the Porcupine River sequence of Brosge and Reiser (1969) and equivalent units
DZnl - Mount Copleston Limestone and Nanook Limestone
DZwp - Farewell platform facies
Das - Bimodal metavolcanic rocks
Dbf - Beaucoup Formation, undivided
Dbfl - Limestone and similar rocks
Dbfw - Wacke member
Dcc - Karheen and Cedar Cove Formations
Dcr - Cascaden Ridge and Beaver Bend combined correlative units
Degh - Hunt Fork Shale
Degn - Noatak Sandstone
Dfr - Freshwater Bay and Port Refugio Formations
Dgb - Gambier Bay Formation, undivided
Dgbm - Marble of the Gambier Bay Formation
Dke - Kugururok Formation and Eli Limestone
Dls - Limestone of the Mystic structural complex
Dlse - Carbonate rocks of southeast Alaska
Dmi - Metamorphosed mafic igneous rocks
Dmv - Mixed volcanic rocks of southeast Alaska
Dnr - Nation River Formation
Dof - Ogilvie Formation
Dogn - Granitic gneiss
Dq - Quail unit of Weber and others (1992)
Du - Mangaqtaaq formation of Anderson and Watts (1992) and Ulungarat formation of Anderson (1993)
Dv - Metavolcanic rocks and sills
Dvec - Woodchopper Volcanics, and Schwatka unit of Weber and others (1992)
Dyp - Phyllite, slate, and black shale
Dyss - Clastic and calcareous clastic rocks
IPDcf - Calico Bluff and Ford Lake Shale, undivided
IPMch - Chert
IPMn - Nuka Formation
IPlgw - Wahoo Limestone
IPsb - Upper Saginaw Bay Formation and similar rocks of southeast Alaska
JDmc - Mystic structural complex, undivided
JDoc - Igneous rocks
JIPe - Etivluk Group, undivided
JMct - Cherty tuff and breccia
JMpu - Younger strata of the Porcupine River sequence of Brosge and Reiser (1969), undivided
JMsu - Strangle Woman Creek sequence of Brosge and Reiser (1969), undivided
JPk - Kakhonak Complex and Tlikakila complex of Carlson and Wallace (1983)
JPs - Calcareous and metabasaltic schist and phyllite
JPzs - Northern Alaska sedimentary rocks
JPztu - Ultramafic complexes of western Alaska
JTrct - Crystal tuff, argillite, chert, graywacke, and limestone
JTrls - Limestone, shale, and chert
JTrmc - McCarthy Formation
JTrmv - Tatina River volcanics of Bundtzen and others (1997a) and similar mafic volcanic rocks
JTro - Otuk Formation
JTrob - Ophiolite of the Brooks Range
JTros - Newenham ophiolite complex
JTrp - Phyllite and chert
JTrpf - Pogibshi formation of Kelley (1980)
JTrpp - Pinnacle Peak Phyllite
JTrrb - Red and brown sedimentary rocks and basalt
JTrsch - Blueschist of southern Alaska
JTrv - Tatina River volcanics of Bundtzen and others (1997a), gabbro and diorite
JTrvs - Coarse volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks
Jab - Andesite and basalt
Jag - Bokan Mountain peralkaline granite and syenite
Jegd - Granodiorite of Hagemeister Island
Jg - Plutons of the Yukon-Tanana Upland
Jgr - Jurassic phase, Alaska-Aleutian Range batholith, undifferentiated
Jhg - Plutonic rocks of Hidden terrane
Jise - Granitic rocks of southeast Alaska
Jit - Spruce Creek tonalite
Jk - Graywacke of Kulukak Bay of Hoare and Coonrad (1978)
Jms - Micaceous graywacke
Jnk - Naknek Formation and Kotsina Conglomerate
Js - Marine sedimentary rocks of the Wrangell Mountains, undivided
Jsc - Shelikof and Chinitna Formations
Jt - Tuxedni Group
Jtk - Talkeetna Formation
Jtr - Trondhjemite
Jum - Gabbronorite and other mafic and ultramafic rocks of Hidden terrane
Jvc - Volcaniclastic and volcanic rocks
Jvs - Marine volcaniclastic and arkosic sandstone
KDt - Togiak-Tikchik Complex, undivided
KJdg - Diorite and gabbro of southeast Alaska
KJg - Quartz monzodiorite
KJgn - Gravina-Nuzotin unit
KJgv - Volcanic rocks of the Gravina-Nutzotin belt
KJiv - Andesitic volcanic rocks
KJks - Kingak Shale and similar units
KJm - Melange facies
KJmu - Mafic and ultramafic rocks
KJmy - Melange of the Yakutat Group
KJs - Fine-grained sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks
KJse - Saint Elias suite of Gordey and Makepeace (2003) and similar rocks
KJv - Highly altered volcanic rocks in southwest Alaska
KJyg - Yakutat Group, undivided
KJyh - Graywacke of the Yenlo Hills
KMmu - West-central Alaska melange-like rocks
KPu - Kingak Shale, Shublik Formation, and Karen Creek Sandstone, undivided
KPzum - Dunite and serpentinite, undivided
KTrm - Kelp Bay Group, undivided
KTrs - Restricted Gemuk Group
KTrvs - Volcanic and sedimentary rocks of southwest Alaska
Kaf - Chugach flysch
Kafv - Volcanic rocks of Chugach accretionary complex
Kcc - Carbonate-rich conglomerate and sandstone deltaic rocks
Kcct - Cape Current terrane
Kcgc - Calcareous graywacke and conglomerate
Kcm - Calcareous mudstone
Kcs - Chignik Formation and similar units in southern Alaska
Kcv - Chert and volcanic sequence
Kcvg - Calcareous graywacke and mudstone, volcanic graywacke and conglomerate
Keg - Granodiorite and other plutonic rocks
Kfm - Fortress Mountain Formation
Kfy - Flysch
Kgb - Gabbro and diorite of southeast Alaska
Kgk - Kongakut Formation
Kgu - Plutonic rocks and dikes, granite to diorite
Khk - Hoodoo and Kaguyak Formations
Khnl - Herendeen Formation and similar units
Khs - Rocks of Hammond River shear zone of Till and others (2008a)
Kipc - Mafic igneous-clast conglomerate, sandstone, and mudstone
Kit - Tingmerkpuk Member of the Ipewik Formation
Kk - Kuskokwim Group, undivided
Kkbm - Khaz Complex
Kke - Kemik Sandstone
Kkg - Flysch and quartzite, Kandik Group and equivalents
Kkn - Nearshore facies
Klgr - Intermediate granitic rocks
Klqm - Quartz monzonite and monzonite
Km - Matanuska Formation and correlative rocks
Kmar - Alaska Range melange
Kmf - Minto unit
Kmgr - Granitic rocks of central and southeast Alaska
Kmig - Migmatite and metaplutonic rocks
Kmqm - Quartz monzonite, monzonite, and syenite
Kmss - Marine sandstone and siltstone
Kmvi - Mafic to intermediate volcano-plutonic complexes
Knf - Nanushuk Formation
Kof - Okpikruak Formation and similar units
Kpf - Pedmar Formation
Kps - Pelitic schist
Kqc - Quartz-pebble conglomerate, west-central Alaska
Kqcs - Quartz-carbonate sandstone and pebbly mudstone
Ksb - Schrader Bluff Formation
Ksbd - Spilitic pillow basalt and diabase
Ksbf - Seabee Formation and Hue Shale
Ksd - Sandstone, shale, and conglomerate deltaic deposits
Ksfg - Foliated granitic rocks of Southeast Alaska
Ksg - Sitka Graywacke, undivided
Kst - Staniukovich Formation
Ksv - Shoshonitic flows and tuff
Ksy - Syenitic rocks
Kto - Torok Formation
Ktu - Tuluvak Formation
Kum - Ultramafic rocks of southeast Alaska
Kumc - McHugh and Uyak Complexes
Kvgc - Volcanic graywacke and conglomerate
Kvu - Volcanic rocks, undivided
Kyg - Volcanic graywacke and mudstone
MDag - Augen gneiss and orthogneiss
MDe - Endicott Group, undivided
MDegk - Kanayut Conglomerate and Noatak Sandstone, undivided
MDgi - Old Crow suite of Gordey and Makepeace (2003) and other granitic rocks of northeast Alaska
MDip - Iyoukeen and Peratrovich Formations
MDm - Metabasalt and marble of the Kisaralik anticlinorium
MDts - Totatlanika Schist
MDtv - Tuffaceous volcanic rocks
MDv - Greenstone and schist
MOkg - Kaskawulsh group of Kindle (1953)
Mek - Kekiktuk Conglomerate
Meks - Kapaloak sequence of Moore and others (2002)
Mes - Kurupa Sandstone
Mgq - Globe quartzite of Weber and others (1992)
Mk - Kayak Shale
Mlga - Alapah Limestone
Mlgac - Akmalik Chert and other black chert of the Lisburne Group
Mlgk - Kuna Formation
Mlgnu - Nasorak and Utukok Formations
Mlgw - Wachsmuth Limestone
MzPza - Metamorphic rocks of Admiralty Island, undivided
MzPzgs - Green amphibole-bearing schist
MzPzi - Undivided dikes and sills, south-central Alaska
MzPzm - Southwest Alaska melange
MzPzmb - Metabasite
MzPzp - Phyllite of the Kisaralik anticlinorium
MzPzsk - Metasedimentary rocks of the Kisaralik anticlinorium
MzPzss - Metasedimentary and minor metavolcanic rocks along the west side of the Coast plutonic complex of Brew and Morrell (1979b)
MzPzsv - Metavolcanic rocks west of the Coast plutonic complex of Brew and Morrell (1979b)
MzPzyo - Peridotite of dismembered ophiolite of the Yukon-Tanana region
Mzmu - Metamorphic rocks of the MacLaren metamorphic belt of Smith and Lanphere (1971)
OCdv - Oldest volcanic rocks
OCjr - Jones Ridge Limestone and related units
OCv - Fossil Creek Volcanics and similar rocks
OPxls - Limestone, northern Alaska
OPxpt - Older rocks of York terrane and Grantley Harbor Fault zone
Oc - Chert of Interior Alaska
Ocs - Casadepaga Schist
Ogi - Granodiorite and related rocks
Ols - Lime mudstone
Onim - Impure marble
Oyl - Argillaceous limestone and limestone
PDcf - Cannery Formation and Porcupine slate of Redman and others (1985), undivided
PDsc - Sheep Creek formation of Bundtzen and others (1997a) and correlative siliciclastic units of the Mystic structural complex
PIPgi - Granodiorite, syenite, and other granitic rocks
PIPms - Mankomen and Skolai Groups, undivided
PIPsm - Strelna Metamorphics and related rocks
PIPt - Slana Spur and Station Creek Formations and Tetelna Volcanics
Pcs - Clastic and volcaniclastic rocks
Pe - Echooka Formation
Peh - Eagle Creek and Hasen Creek Formations
Pehls - Limestone of the Hasen Creek and Eagle Creek Formations
Ph - Halleck Formation and similar sedimentary rock units
Phb - Volcanic rocks of the Halleck Formation and related rocks of southeast Alaska
Pks - Klondike Schist
Plps - Pybus Formation and correlative? limestone
Pls - Limestone
Pm - Marble along the west side of the Coast plutonic complex of Brew and Morrell (1979b)
Pstc - Step Conglomerate
Ptl - Tahkandit Limestone
Ptls - Limestone of southwest Alaska
Pv - Volcanic rocks of Puale Bay
Pxkd - Katakturuk Dolomite
Pxm - Marble, calcareous and quartz-mica schist, and greenstone
Pxqm - Schist of the Telsitna River
Pxtnm - Basalt and red beds member (Tindir Group)
Pxv - Mount Copleston volcanic rocks of Moore (1987)
PzPxb - Metasedimentary rocks of Bluecloud Mountain
PzPxgb - Gabbro and metagabbro
PzPxkg - High-grade metamorphic rocks of the Seward Peninsula
PzPxmi - Mafic igneous rocks, central and northeast Alaska
PzPxnc - Nome Complex, undivided
PzPxrg - Retreat Group
PzPxrqm - Pelitic and quartzitic schist of the Ruby terrane
PzPxybg - Biotite gneiss, marble, schist, quartzite, and amphibolite
PzPxygs - Gneiss, schist, and quartzite
PzPxyqm - Pelitic schist, including Chena River sequence
PzPxyqs - Quartzite and pelitic schist
Pzarqm - Pelitic and quartzose schist of the Alaska Range
Pzce - Marble, southeast Alaska
Pzcn - Marble, northern Alaska
Pzcu - Black chert
Pze - Eclogite and associated rocks
Pzgb - Gabbro and orthogneiss
Pzgn - Roof pendants of the Coast plutonic complex of Brew and Morrell (1979b)
Pzgp - Phyllite and argillite, Grantley Harbor Fault zone
Pzkp - Keevy Peak Formation and similar rocks
Pzks - Metamorphic rocks of the Kah Shakes sequence of Rubin and Saleeby (1991), undivided
Pzls - Limestone and marble
Pzm - Marble of the Brooks Range
Pzncs - Younger schist
Pznp - Metagabbro and metasedimentary rocks
Pzpr - Older clastic strata of the Porcupine River sequence of Brosge and Reiser (1969)
Pzps - Porcupine slate of Redman and others (1985)
Pzymi - Orthogneiss and amphibolite of igneous origin
Pzyms - Mafic schist and amphibolite
QTgm - Yakataga and Tugidak Formations
QTi - Young shallow intrusive rocks
QTm - Contact metamorphosed and hydrothermally altered rocks
QTs - Poorly consolidated surficial deposits
QTv - Young volcanic rocks, undifferentiated
QTvs - Kiska Harbor and Milky River Formations
Qs - Unconsolidated surficial deposits, undivided
Qv - Youngest volcanic rocks
SCpl - Post River Formation and correlative units
SCs - Sedimentary rocks of Doonerak Window
SOd - Descon Formation and other sedimentary and volcanic rocks of Prince of Wales Island
SOdc - Associated carbonate rock
SOig - Iviagik group of Martin (1970)
SOmi - Heterogeneous metamorphic rocks, southeast Alaska
SOv - Associated volcanic rocks
SOyl - Dark limestone
SOyld - Limestone, dolostone, and shale
SZfw - Four Winds complex of Gilbert and others (1987) and similar rocks
Sbs - Black phyllite and metalimestone
Sl - Limestone, southeast Alaska
Slc - Lost Creek unit
St - Turbidite deposits of southeast Alaska
Stc - Terra Cotta Mountains Sandstone
Sv - Volcanic rocks in southeast Alaska
TKcf - Canning Formation
TKg - Felsic granitic rocks
TKgb - Gabbroic rocks
TKgd - Granodiorite to quartz monzodiorite
TKgg - Gneissose granitic rocks
TKgrs - Ghost Rocks sedimentary rocks
TKhi - Dikes and subvolcanic rocks
TKis - Intricately intruded areas of volcanic graywacke and mudstone
TKkf - Krugoli Formation, undifferentiated
TKm - Ghost Rocks Formation
TKpc - Prince Creek Formation
TKpd - Peridotite
TKpeg - Trondhjemitic pegmatite
TKs - Conglomerate, sandstone, and lignite
TKts - Foliated tonalite sill of Coast plutonic complex of Brew and Morrell (1979b)
TKv - Volcanic rocks in southern Alaska
TKwt - Welded tuff and other felsic volcanic rocks
TMzu - Basement rocks, undifferentiated, Aleutian Islands
Tarcs - Volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks
Tbk - Basalt and keratophyre
Tca - Admiralty Island and Cenotaph Volcanics
Tcb - Coal-bearing sedimentary rocks
Tcc - Gneiss and amphibolite
Tcl - Copper Lake Formation
Tcp - Younger phase, Coast plutonic complex of Brew and Morrell (1979b)
Tcpp - Porphyritic granodiorite phase of Coast plutonic complex of Brew and Morrell (1979b)
Tehi - Felsic dikes, sills, and small stocks in southern Alaska
Tephi - Felsic hypabyssal intrusions
Tepv - Andesite and basalt flows
Tes - Tokun and Stillwater Formations and similar rocks
Tev - Felsic volcanic rocks of southwest Alaska
Tgba - Diabase and gabbro, Aleutian Islands
Tgbe - Younger gabbro of southeast Alaska
Tgbw - Gabbro, southwest Alaska
Tgw - Granite, southwest Alaska and Aleutian Islands
Thi - Hypabyssal intrusions
Tk - Kootznahoo Formation
Tkf - Kulthieth Formation
Tkn - Kenai Group, undivided
Tmi - Younger granitic rocks
Tms - Tachilni, Bear Lake, Chuniksak, Nevidiskov, and Chirikof Formations
Tmv - Meshik Volcanics and similar rock units
Tnc - Narrow Cape and Topsy Formations
Tng - Nenana Gravel
Tob - Olivine basalt flows
Tod - Granodiorite, quartz diorite, and diorite
Toegr - Granitic rocks
Togr - Granite and granodiorite
Togum - Mafic and ultramafic rocks of the Valdez and Orca Groups
Togv - Volcanic rocks of the Orca Group and Ghost Rocks Formation
Top - Redwood and Poul Creek Formations
Tos - Sedimentary rocks of the Orca Group
Tovs - Sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Orca Group, undivided
Tpcv - Cantwell Formation, volcanic rocks subunit
Tpg - Peralkaline granite
Tpgi - Granitic intrusive rocks of the Chugach accretionary complex
Tpgr - Undivided granitic rocks
Tpt - Pyroclastic rocks
Tpv - Basalt and tuff
TrDtz - Sedimentary rocks
TrIPeg - Siksikpuk Formation and Immaitchiak Chert
TrIPsf - Flysch-like sedimentary rocks
TrMsm - Seventymile assemblage
TrPsg - Sadlerochit Group, undivided
TrPvs - Metamorphic rocks, southeast Alaska
TrPzbi - Metamorphic rocks of Baranof Island
TrPzgp - Metagraywacke and phyllite
TrPzig - Gabbro and diabase
TrPzvs - Volcanic and sedimentary rocks
Trb - Mafic volcanic rocks of Chilkat Peninsula
Trc - Carbonatite
Trcb - Cottonwood Bay and Chilikradrotna Greenstones
Trcnk - Chitistone and Nizina Limestones and Kamishak Formation
Trcs - Calcareous sedimentary rocks
Trdg - Mafic igneous rocks of Duke Island
Trgb - Gabbro and quartz gabbro
Trgs - Shublik Formation
Trgsl - Glenn Shale, lower unit
Trhg - Hyd Group, undivided
Trhgs - Hyd Group sedimentary rocks, undivided
Trhgv - Hyd Group igneous rocks, undivided
Trif - Ivishak Formation
Trkc - Karen Creek Sandstone
Trlb - Limestone and basalt sequence
Trls - Carbonates and associated rocks
Trms - Metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks
Trn - Nikolai and Goon Dip Greenstones and equivalent rocks
Trpg - Port Graham formation of Kelley (1980)
Trqd - Quartz diorite and granodiorite
Trrs - Red beds
Trsl - Spiculite and sandy limestone
Trsy - Sedimentary member
Trsyv - Volcanic member
Trum - Mafic and ultramafic rocks in the vicinity of the Denali Fault System
Trvs - Volcanic and sedimentary rocks of Nakwasina Sound
Trvsw - Older volcanic rocks of southwest Alaska
Trwm - Whitestripe Marble of southeast Alaska
Tsf - Sagavanirktok Formation
Tsi - Sitkalidak Formation
Tsk - Sitkinak Formation
Tsr - Soda rhyolite and basalt
Tsti - Siltstone of Trinity Islands
Tsu - Sedimentary rocks, undivided
Ttk - Nearshore and nonmarine sedimentary rocks
Tts - Tsadaka Formation
Tuu - Unga, Belkofski, and Unalaska Formations
Tvc - Victoria Creek metamorphic rocks
Tvm - Volcanic rocks of the Aleutian Islands and Alaska Peninsula
Tvs - Volcanic and sedimentary rocks, undivided
Tvu - Volcanic rocks of southern Alaska
Twv - Wrangell Lava
Xio - Kanektok metamorphic complex and Idono Complex
Zam - Metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks of Mount Angayukaqsraq
Zgn - Granite and orthogneiss
Zgns - Orthogneiss of the Seward Peninsula
Zngn - Metagranitic rocks
bu - Bedrock of unknown type or age or areas not mapped
pCkm - Kanektok marble