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Legend (AKStategeol_dtpoly_tile)

Detailed Units (26)
*Dcf - Calico Bluff and Ford Lake Shale, undivided
*Mch - Chert
*Mn - Nuka Formation
*lgw - Wahoo Limestone
*sb - Upper Saginaw Bay Formation and similar rocks of southeast Alaska
=km - Kanektok marble
Clg - Lisburne Group, undivided
Clgk - Kogruk Formation
Clgt - Tupik Formation
Clgv - Volcanic rocks and sills associated with Lisburne Group
Crc - Rainbow chert
DOgi - Syenite, trondhjemite, and granite
DOhb - Hood Bay Formation
DOka - McCann Hill Chert, Road River Formation, and Troublesome unit of Weber and others (1992)
DOls - Thin-bedded limestone
DOmvs - Yanert Fork sequence of Csejtey and others (1992) and correlative rocks
DOnx - Marble, graphitic rocks, and schist
DOtm - Marble of Tukpahlearik Creek
DOtp - Pelitic schist and metavolcanic rocks of Tukpahlearik Creek
DOtu - Metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks of Tukpahlearik Creek, undivided
DSbr - Barren Ridge Limestone and correlative units
DSld - Shallow-marine carbonate-dominated rocks
DSpf - Paradise Fork Formation and correlative units
DSt - Tolovana Limestone
DSum - Older ultramafic rocks of southeast Alaska
DSwc - Whirlwind Creek Formation and correlative units
DSyl - Limestone of the Seward Peninsula
DZkb - Older carbonate strata of the Porcupine River sequence of Brosge and Reiser (1969) and equivalent units
DZnl - Mount Copleston Limestone and Nanook Limestone
DZwp - Farewell platform facies
D_bg - Baird Group and similar rocks
D_d - White Mountain sequence, basinal facies
D_mt - Metaturbidite marble and calcareous schist
Das - Bimodal metavolcanic rocks
Dbf - Beaucoup Formation, undivided
Dbfl - Limestone and similar rocks
Dbfw - Wacke member
Dcc - Karheen and Cedar Cove Formations
Dcr - Cascaden Ridge and Beaver Bend combined correlative units
Degh - Hunt Fork Shale
Degn - Noatak Sandstone
Dfr - Freshwater Bay and Port Refugio Formations
Dgb - Gambier Bay Formation, undivided
Dgbm - Marble of the Gambier Bay Formation
Dke - Kugururok Formation and Eli Limestone
Dls - Limestone of the Mystic structural complex
Dlse - Carbonate rocks of southeast Alaska
Dmi - Metamorphosed mafic igneous rocks
Dmv - Mixed volcanic rocks of southeast Alaska
Dnr - Nation River Formation
Dof - Ogilvie Formation
Dogn - Granitic gneiss
Dq - Quail unit of Weber and others (1992)
Du - Mangaqtaaq formation of Anderson and Watts (1992) and Ulungarat formation of Anderson (1993)
Dv - Metavolcanic rocks and sills
Dvec - Woodchopper Volcanics, and Schwatka unit of Weber and others (1992)
Dyp - Phyllite, slate, and black shale
Dyss - Clastic and calcareous clastic rocks
J*e - Etivluk Group, undivided
JDmc - Mystic structural complex, undivided
JDoc - Igneous rocks
JMct - Cherty tuff and breccia
JMpu - Younger strata of the Porcupine River sequence of Brosge and Reiser (1969), undivided
JMsu - Strangle Woman Creek sequence of Brosge and Reiser (1969), undivided
JPk - Kakhonak Complex and Tlikakila complex of Carlson and Wallace (1983)
JPs - Calcareous and metabasaltic schist and phyllite
J^ct - Crystal tuff, argillite, chert, graywacke, and limestone
J^ls - Limestone, shale, and chert
J^mc - McCarthy Formation
J^mv - Tatina River volcanics of Bundtzen and others (1997a) and similar mafic volcanic rocks
J^o - Otuk Formation
J^ob - Ophiolite of the Brooks Range
J^os - Newenham ophiolite complex
J^p - Phyllite and chert
J^pf - Pogibshi formation of Kelley (1980)
J^pp - Pinnacle Peak Phyllite
J^rb - Red and brown sedimentary rocks and basalt
J^sch - Blueschist of southern Alaska
J^v - Tatina River volcanics of Bundtzen and others (1997a), gabbro and diorite
J^vs - Coarse volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks
Jab - Andesite and basalt
Jag - Bokan Mountain peralkaline granite and syenite
Jegd - Granodiorite of Hagemeister Island
Jg - Plutons of the Yukon-Tanana Upland
Jgr - Jurassic phase, Alaska-Aleutian Range batholith, undifferentiated
Jhg - Plutonic rocks of Hidden terrane
Jise - Granitic rocks of southeast Alaska
Jit - Spruce Creek tonalite
Jk - Graywacke of Kulukak Bay of Hoare and Coonrad (1978)
Jms - Micaceous graywacke
Jnk - Naknek Formation and Kotsina Conglomerate
Js - Marine sedimentary rocks of the Wrangell Mountains, undivided
Jsc - Shelikof and Chinitna Formations
Jt - Tuxedni Group
Jtk - Talkeetna Formation
Jtr - Trondhjemite
Jum - Gabbronorite and other mafic and ultramafic rocks of Hidden terrane
Jvc - Volcaniclastic and volcanic rocks
Jvs - Marine volcaniclastic and arkosic sandstone
J|s - Northern Alaska sedimentary rocks
J|tu - Ultramafic complexes of western Alaska
KDt - Togiak-Tikchik Complex, undivided
KJdg - Diorite and gabbro of southeast Alaska
KJg - Quartz monzodiorite
KJgn - Gravina-Nuzotin unit
KJgv - Volcanic rocks of the Gravina-Nutzotin belt
KJiv - Andesitic volcanic rocks
KJks - Kingak Shale and similar units
KJm - Melange facies
KJmu - Mafic and ultramafic rocks
KJmy - Melange of the Yakutat Group
KJs - Fine-grained sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks
KJse - Saint Elias suite of Gordey and Makepeace (2003) and similar rocks
KJv - Highly altered volcanic rocks in southwest Alaska
KJyg - Yakutat Group, undivided
KJyh - Graywacke of the Yenlo Hills
KMmu - West-central Alaska melange-like rocks
KPu - Kingak Shale, Shublik Formation, and Karen Creek Sandstone, undivided
K^m - Kelp Bay Group, undivided
K^s - Restricted Gemuk Group
K^vs - Volcanic and sedimentary rocks of southwest Alaska
Kaf - Chugach flysch
Kafv - Volcanic rocks of Chugach accretionary complex
Kcc - Carbonate-rich conglomerate and sandstone deltaic rocks
Kcct - Cape Current terrane
Kcgc - Calcareous graywacke and conglomerate
Kcm - Calcareous mudstone
Kcs - Chignik Formation and similar units in southern Alaska
Kcv - Chert and volcanic sequence
Kcvg - Calcareous graywacke and mudstone, volcanic graywacke and conglomerate
Keg - Granodiorite and other plutonic rocks
Kfm - Fortress Mountain Formation
Kfy - Flysch
Kgb - Gabbro and diorite of southeast Alaska
Kgk - Kongakut Formation
Kgu - Plutonic rocks and dikes, granite to diorite
Khk - Hoodoo and Kaguyak Formations
Khnl - Herendeen Formation and similar units
Khs - Rocks of Hammond River shear zone of Till and others (2008a)
Kipc - Mafic igneous-clast conglomerate, sandstone, and mudstone
Kit - Tingmerkpuk Member of the Ipewik Formation
Kk - Kuskokwim Group, undivided
Kkbm - Khaz Complex
Kke - Kemik Sandstone
Kkg - Flysch and quartzite, Kandik Group and equivalents
Kkn - Nearshore facies
Klgr - Intermediate granitic rocks
Klqm - Quartz monzonite and monzonite
Km - Matanuska Formation and correlative rocks
Kmar - Alaska Range melange
Kmf - Minto unit
Kmgr - Granitic rocks of central and southeast Alaska
Kmig - Migmatite and metaplutonic rocks
Kmqm - Quartz monzonite, monzonite, and syenite
Kmss - Marine sandstone and siltstone
Kmvi - Mafic to intermediate volcano-plutonic complexes
Knf - Nanushuk Formation
Kof - Okpikruak Formation and similar units
Kpf - Pedmar Formation
Kps - Pelitic schist
Kqc - Quartz-pebble conglomerate, west-central Alaska
Kqcs - Quartz-carbonate sandstone and pebbly mudstone
Ksb - Schrader Bluff Formation
Ksbd - Spilitic pillow basalt and diabase
Ksbf - Seabee Formation and Hue Shale
Ksd - Sandstone, shale, and conglomerate deltaic deposits
Ksfg - Foliated granitic rocks of Southeast Alaska
Ksg - Sitka Graywacke, undivided
Kst - Staniukovich Formation
Ksv - Shoshonitic flows and tuff
Ksy - Syenitic rocks
Kto - Torok Formation
Ktu - Tuluvak Formation
Kum - Ultramafic rocks of southeast Alaska
Kumc - McHugh and Uyak Complexes
Kvgc - Volcanic graywacke and conglomerate
Kvu - Volcanic rocks, undivided
Kyg - Volcanic graywacke and mudstone
K|um - Dunite and serpentinite, undivided
MDag - Augen gneiss and orthogneiss
MDe - Endicott Group, undivided
MDegk - Kanayut Conglomerate and Noatak Sandstone, undivided
MDgi - Old Crow suite of Gordey and Makepeace (2003) and other granitic rocks of northeast Alaska
MDip - Iyoukeen and Peratrovich Formations
MDm - Metabasalt and marble of the Kisaralik anticlinorium
MDts - Totatlanika Schist
MDtv - Tuffaceous volcanic rocks
MDv - Greenstone and schist
MOkg - Kaskawulsh group of Kindle (1953)
Mek - Kekiktuk Conglomerate
Meks - Kapaloak sequence of Moore and others (2002)
Mes - Kurupa Sandstone
Mgq - Globe quartzite of Weber and others (1992)
Mk - Kayak Shale
Mlga - Alapah Limestone
Mlgac - Akmalik Chert and other black chert of the Lisburne Group
Mlgk - Kuna Formation
Mlgnu - Nasorak and Utukok Formations
Mlgw - Wachsmuth Limestone
O_dv - Oldest volcanic rocks
O_jr - Jones Ridge Limestone and related units
O_v - Fossil Creek Volcanics and similar rocks
Oc - Chert of Interior Alaska
Ocs - Casadepaga Schist
Ogi - Granodiorite and related rocks
Ols - Lime mudstone
Onim - Impure marble
Oyl - Argillaceous limestone and limestone
P*gi - Granodiorite, syenite, and other granitic rocks
P*ms - Mankomen and Skolai Groups, undivided
P*sm - Strelna Metamorphics and related rocks
P*t - Slana Spur and Station Creek Formations and Tetelna Volcanics
PDcf - Cannery Formation and Porcupine slate of Redman and others (1985), undivided
PDsc - Sheep Creek formation of Bundtzen and others (1997a) and correlative siliciclastic units of the Mystic structural complex
Pcs - Clastic and volcaniclastic rocks
Pe - Echooka Formation
Peh - Eagle Creek and Hasen Creek Formations
Pehls - Limestone of the Hasen Creek and Eagle Creek Formations
Ph - Halleck Formation and similar sedimentary rock units
Phb - Volcanic rocks of the Halleck Formation and related rocks of southeast Alaska
Pks - Klondike Schist
Plps - Pybus Formation and correlative? limestone
Pls - Limestone
Pm - Marble along the west side of the Coast plutonic complex of Brew and Morrell (1979b)
Pstc - Step Conglomerate
Ptl - Tahkandit Limestone
Ptls - Limestone of southwest Alaska
Pv - Volcanic rocks of Puale Bay
QTgm - Yakataga and Tugidak Formations
QTi - Young shallow intrusive rocks
QTm - Contact metamorphosed and hydrothermally altered rocks
QTs - Poorly consolidated surficial deposits
QTv - Young volcanic rocks, undifferentiated
QTvs - Kiska Harbor and Milky River Formations
Qs - Unconsolidated surficial deposits, undivided
Qv - Youngest volcanic rocks
SOd - Descon Formation and other sedimentary and volcanic rocks of Prince of Wales Island
SOdc - Associated carbonate rock
SOig - Iviagik group of Martin (1970)
SOmi - Heterogeneous metamorphic rocks, southeast Alaska
SOv - Associated volcanic rocks
SOyl - Dark limestone
SOyld - Limestone, dolostone, and shale
SZfw - Four Winds complex of Gilbert and others (1987) and similar rocks
S_pl - Post River Formation and correlative units
S_s - Sedimentary rocks of Doonerak Window
Sbs - Black phyllite and metalimestone
Sl - Limestone, southeast Alaska
Slc - Lost Creek unit
St - Turbidite deposits of southeast Alaska
Stc - Terra Cotta Mountains Sandstone
Sv - Volcanic rocks in southeast Alaska
TKcf - Canning Formation
TKg - Felsic granitic rocks
TKgb - Gabbroic rocks
TKgd - Granodiorite to quartz monzodiorite
TKgg - Gneissose granitic rocks
TKgrs - Ghost Rocks sedimentary rocks
TKhi - Dikes and subvolcanic rocks
TKis - Intricately intruded areas of volcanic graywacke and mudstone
TKkf - Krugoli Formation, undifferentiated
TKm - Ghost Rocks Formation
TKpc - Prince Creek Formation
TKpd - Peridotite
TKpeg - Trondhjemitic pegmatite
TKs - Conglomerate, sandstone, and lignite
TKts - Foliated tonalite sill of Coast plutonic complex of Brew and Morrell (1979b)
TKv - Volcanic rocks in southern Alaska
TKwt - Welded tuff and other felsic volcanic rocks
Tarcs - Volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks
Tbk - Basalt and keratophyre
Tca - Admiralty Island and Cenotaph Volcanics
Tcb - Coal-bearing sedimentary rocks
Tcc - Gneiss and amphibolite
Tcl - Copper Lake Formation
Tcp - Younger phase, Coast plutonic complex of Brew and Morrell (1979b)
Tcpp - Porphyritic granodiorite phase of Coast plutonic complex of Brew and Morrell (1979b)
Tehi - Felsic dikes, sills, and small stocks in southern Alaska
Tephi - Felsic hypabyssal intrusions
Tepv - Andesite and basalt flows
Tes - Tokun and Stillwater Formations and similar rocks
Tev - Felsic volcanic rocks of southwest Alaska
Tgba - Diabase and gabbro, Aleutian Islands
Tgbe - Younger gabbro of southeast Alaska
Tgbw - Gabbro, southwest Alaska
Tgw - Granite, southwest Alaska and Aleutian Islands
Thi - Hypabyssal intrusions
Tk - Kootznahoo Formation
Tkf - Kulthieth Formation
Tkn - Kenai Group, undivided
Tmi - Younger granitic rocks
Tms - Tachilni, Bear Lake, Chuniksak, Nevidiskov, and Chirikof Formations
Tmv - Meshik Volcanics and similar rock units
Tnc - Narrow Cape and Topsy Formations
Tng - Nenana Gravel
Tob - Olivine basalt flows
Tod - Granodiorite, quartz diorite, and diorite
Toegr - Granitic rocks
Togr - Granite and granodiorite
Togum - Mafic and ultramafic rocks of the Valdez and Orca Groups
Togv - Volcanic rocks of the Orca Group and Ghost Rocks Formation
Top - Redwood and Poul Creek Formations
Tos - Sedimentary rocks of the Orca Group
Tovs - Sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Orca Group, undivided
Tpcv - Cantwell Formation, volcanic rocks subunit
Tpg - Peralkaline granite
Tpgi - Granitic intrusive rocks of the Chugach accretionary complex
Tpgr - Undivided granitic rocks
Tpt - Pyroclastic rocks
Tpv - Basalt and tuff
Tsf - Sagavanirktok Formation
Tsi - Sitkalidak Formation
Tsk - Sitkinak Formation
Tsr - Soda rhyolite and basalt
Tsti - Siltstone of Trinity Islands
Tsu - Sedimentary rocks, undivided
Ttk - Nearshore and nonmarine sedimentary rocks
Tts - Tsadaka Formation
Tuu - Unga, Belkofski, and Unalaska Formations
Tvc - Victoria Creek metamorphic rocks
Tvm - Volcanic rocks of the Aleutian Islands and Alaska Peninsula
Tvs - Volcanic and sedimentary rocks, undivided
Tvu - Volcanic rocks of southern Alaska
Twv - Wrangell Lava
T}u - Basement rocks, undifferentiated, Aleutian Islands
Xio - Kanektok metamorphic complex and Idono Complex
Zam - Metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks of Mount Angayukaqsraq
Zgn - Granite and orthogneiss
Zgns - Orthogneiss of the Seward Peninsula
Zngn - Metagranitic rocks
^*eg - Siksikpuk Formation and Immaitchiak Chert
^*sf - Flysch-like sedimentary rocks
^Dtz - Sedimentary rocks
^Msm - Seventymile assemblage
^Psg - Sadlerochit Group, undivided
^Pvs - Metamorphic rocks, southeast Alaska
^b - Mafic volcanic rocks of Chilkat Peninsula
^c - Carbonatite
^cb - Cottonwood Bay and Chilikradrotna Greenstones
^cnk - Chitistone and Nizina Limestones and Kamishak Formation
^cs - Calcareous sedimentary rocks
^dg - Mafic igneous rocks of Duke Island
^gb - Gabbro and quartz gabbro
^gs - Shublik Formation
^gsl - Glenn Shale, lower unit
^hg - Hyd Group, undivided
^hgs - Hyd Group sedimentary rocks, undivided
^hgv - Hyd Group igneous rocks, undivided
^if - Ivishak Formation
^kc - Karen Creek Sandstone
^lb - Limestone and basalt sequence
^ls - Carbonates and associated rocks
^ms - Metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks
^n - Nikolai and Goon Dip Greenstones and equivalent rocks
^pg - Port Graham formation of Kelley (1980)
^qd - Quartz diorite and granodiorite
^rs - Red beds
^sl - Spiculite and sandy limestone
^sy - Sedimentary member
^syv - Volcanic member
^um - Mafic and ultramafic rocks in the vicinity of the Denali Fault System
^vs - Volcanic and sedimentary rocks of Nakwasina Sound
^vsw - Older volcanic rocks of southwest Alaska
^wm - Whitestripe Marble of southeast Alaska
^|bi - Metamorphic rocks of Baranof Island
^|gp - Metagraywacke and phyllite
^|ig - Gabbro and diabase
^|vs - Volcanic and sedimentary rocks
_Zls - Dolostone, limestone, orthoquartzite, and minor chert
_Zogn - Orthogneiss
_a - Adams Argillite
bu - Bedrock of unknown type or age or areas not mapped
|arqm - Pelitic and quartzose schist of the Alaska Range
|ce - Marble, southeast Alaska
|cn - Marble, northern Alaska
|cu - Black chert
|e - Eclogite and associated rocks
|gb - Gabbro and orthogneiss
|gn - Roof pendants of the Coast plutonic complex of Brew and Morrell (1979b)
|gp - Phyllite and argillite, Grantley Harbor Fault zone
|kp - Keevy Peak Formation and similar rocks
|ks - Metamorphic rocks of the Kah Shakes sequence of Rubin and Saleeby (1991), undivided
|ls - Limestone and marble
|m - Marble of the Brooks Range
|ncs - Younger schist
|np - Metagabbro and metasedimentary rocks
|pr - Older clastic strata of the Porcupine River sequence of Brosge and Reiser (1969)
|ps - Porcupine slate of Redman and others (1985)
|ymi - Orthogneiss and amphibolite of igneous origin
|yms - Mafic schist and amphibolite
}mu - Metamorphic rocks of the MacLaren metamorphic belt of Smith and Lanphere (1971)
}|a - Metamorphic rocks of Admiralty Island, undivided
}|gs - Green amphibole-bearing schist
}|i - Undivided dikes and sills, south-central Alaska
}|m - Southwest Alaska melange
}|mb - Metabasite
}|p - Phyllite of the Kisaralik anticlinorium
}|sk - Metasedimentary rocks of the Kisaralik anticlinorium
}|ss - Metasedimentary and minor metavolcanic rocks along the west side of the Coast plutonic complex of Brew and Morrell (1979b)
}|sv - Metavolcanic rocks west of the Coast plutonic complex of Brew and Morrell (1979b)
}|yo - Peridotite of dismembered ophiolite of the Yukon-Tanana region