TSPClasses__Transit (Map Service)
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Current Version: 10.81
Service Description: TSP classifications are part of a group of layers that make up the Transportation System Plan, which is the 20-year plan for transportation improvements in the City of Portland. The goal of the TSP is to provide transportation choices for residents, employees, visitors and firms doing business in Portland by describing what the system should look like and what purpose it fulfills. This linear feature class contains the street classifications of the TSP. Attribution for classifications under Traffic, Transit, Bicycle, Pedestrian, Freight, Emergency Response and Street Design designate the type of movement and planning that should be emphasized on each street. Classification descriptions are used to describe how streets should function for each modes of travel, not necessarily how they are functioning at present. --Additional Information:
Category: Planning
Purpose: For mapping related to the City's Transportation System Plan.
Update Frequency: Irregular
Map Name: Citywide1
All Layers and Tables
Description: TSP classifications are part of a group of layers that make up the Transportation System Plan, which is the 20-year plan for transportation improvements in the City of Portland. The goal of the TSP is to provide transportation choices for residents, employees, visitors and firms doing business in Portland by describing what the system should look like and what purpose it fulfills. This linear feature class contains the street classifications of the TSP. Attribution for classifications under Traffic, Transit, Bicycle, Pedestrian, Freight, Emergency Response and Street Design designate the type of movement and planning that should be emphasized on each street. Classification descriptions are used to describe how streets should function for each modes of travel, not necessarily how they are functioning at present. --Additional Information:
Category: Planning
Purpose: For mapping related to the City's Transportation System Plan.
Update Frequency: Irregular
Copyright Text: Bureau of Transportation
Spatial Reference: 102100
Single Fused Map Cache: true
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Document Info: - Title: TSPClasses _Transit
- Comments:
- Subject: TSPClasses (Transit)
- Category:
- Keywords: TSPClasses (Transit)