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SAN_MATEO_2020_HILLSHADE_3FT_tif (Map Service)

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Current Version: 10.81

Service Description:

For the downloadable raster of the San Mateo County Hillshade click here.

This lidar derivative provides information about the bare surface of the earth. The 3-foot resolution hillshade raster was produced from the 2017 Digital Terrain Model using the hillshade geoprocessing tool in ArcGIS Pro.

The hillshade was created by Tukman Geospatial using the following process:

  • A QL2 airborne lidar point cloud was collected countywide (Sanborn)

  • Point cloud classification was used to classify ground points (Sanborn)

  • Ground points were used to create over 3,600 3-foot resolution raster DTM tiles. Using automated scripting routines within LasTools, a GeoTIFF file was created for each tile. (Tukman Geospatial)

  • The 3-foot DTM tiles were mosaicked together into a 3-foot resolution mosaiced DTM geotiff (Tukman Geospatial)

  • A 3-foot hillshade was derived from the mosaiced DTM using the ESRI Spatial Analyst ‘hillshade’ function (Tukman Geospatial)

Uses and Limitations:

The hillshade provides a raster depiction of the ground returns for each 3x3 foot raster cell across San Mateo County. The layer is useful for hydrologic and terrain-focused analysis and is a helpful basemap when analyzing spatial data in relief.

Map Name: Map


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For the downloadable raster of the San Mateo County Hillshade click here.

This lidar derivative provides information about the bare surface of the earth. The 3-foot resolution hillshade raster was produced from the 2017 Digital Terrain Model using the hillshade geoprocessing tool in ArcGIS Pro.

The hillshade was created by Tukman Geospatial using the following process:

  • A QL2 airborne lidar point cloud was collected countywide (Sanborn)

  • Point cloud classification was used to classify ground points (Sanborn)

  • Ground points were used to create over 3,600 3-foot resolution raster DTM tiles. Using automated scripting routines within LasTools, a GeoTIFF file was created for each tile. (Tukman Geospatial)

  • The 3-foot DTM tiles were mosaicked together into a 3-foot resolution mosaiced DTM geotiff (Tukman Geospatial)

  • A 3-foot hillshade was derived from the mosaiced DTM using the ESRI Spatial Analyst ‘hillshade’ function (Tukman Geospatial)

Uses and Limitations:

The hillshade provides a raster depiction of the ground returns for each 3x3 foot raster cell across San Mateo County. The layer is useful for hydrologic and terrain-focused analysis and is a helpful basemap when analyzing spatial data in relief.

Copyright Text: Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, Tukman Geospatial LLC

Spatial Reference:

Single Fused Map Cache: true

Capabilities: Map,TilesOnly,Tilemap

Tile Info:
Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Min Scale: 288296.0
Max Scale: 0.0

Min LOD: 10
Max LOD: 15

Units: esriMeters

Supported Image Format Types: Mixed

Export Tiles Allowed: true
Max Export Tiles Count: 100000

Document Info: