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British_National_Grid_Terrain_3D (Image Service)

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Current Version : 10.81

Description : Overview

The British National Grid Terrain 3D layer provides an elevation layer for England in British National Grid. It is based on the Environment Agency LIDAR Composite 1 Metre DTM. The data has a resolution of 1 metre and is cached down to Level 15 of the GB Basemap Vector Tiling Scheme. 

Note: There is an area in North Yorkshire not yet covered by the EA DTM. In this area we have supplemented the dataset with the OS Terrain 50 Open Height Dataset. 

How Can I Use The Elevation Layer?

Our simple five step guide gets you started using the Elevation Layer.

  1. Start by creating or opening an existing local scene. If there is already a basemap in the scene remove it by clicking the basemap icon in the top right and selecting no basemap. 
  2. Under the layer manager open the ground layer and remove the Terrain3D layer.
  3. From the menu on the left hand side click the plus icon. Then browse layers and within the Living Atlas find the “British National Grid Terrain 3D Layer” and add it to your scene. It should automatically be added as a ground layer. 
  4. Next reopen the basemaps menu from the right hand side and select one of Esri UK’s open basemaps. You may need to scroll to the bottom, hey all have a GB prefix. If you are a Maps+ customer you can also add your Maps+ basemaps. You should now have a 3D basemap
  5. Finally you can add a Scene Layer that is in British National Grid to show your data in 3D.

Where Does The Elevation Layer Come From?

The elevation layer is produced by Esri UK using the Environment Agency's LIDAR Composite DTM (Digital Terrain Model) elevation model of England at 1m spatial resolution. This dataset is derived from a combination of their Time Stamped archive and National LIDAR Programme which has been merged and re-sampled to give the best possible coverage. The LIDAR Composite contains surveys undertaken between 14th February 2003 and 5th May 2022. 

Where repeat surveys have been undertaken the newest, best resolution data is used. Where data was resampled a bilinear interpolation was used before being merging. Surface objects are removed from the Digital Surface Model (DSM), using bespoke algorithms and manual editing of the data, to produce a terrain model of just the surface. The elevation are presented in metres referenced to Ordinance Survey Newlyn, using the OSTN 15 and OSGM 15 transformation models. The LIDAR elevations have a vertical accuracy of +/-15cm RMSE.

The Elevation Layer also uses OS Terrain 50 to in-fill areas not covered by the Environment Agency DTM. 

Service Description :

Copyright Text : Environment Agency copyright and/or database right 2022. All rights reserved. Contains OS data © Crown Copyright and database right 2024.

Spatial Reference :

Single Fused Map Cache : true

Capabilities : Image,TilesOnly,Tilemap

Tile Info :
Extent :
Initial Extent :
Full Extent :
Band Count : 1
Service Data Type : esriImageServiceDataTypeElevation
Cache Type : Elevation
Dataset Format : Cache/LERC
Compression Type : LERC

Pixel Type : F32
Pixel Size X : 0.004655279847194359
Pixel Size Y : 0.004655279847194359
Min Pixel Size : 2.383503281763512
Max Pixel Size : 39051.31776841338

Block Width : 512
Block Height : 512

Min Scale : 1.4759553172313717E8
Max Scale : 9008.516340523509

Export Tiles Allowed : false
Max Export Tiles Count : 100000
Cache Type : Elevation

Document Info :