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USA_HHS_Primary_Care_Providers (Map Service)

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Current Version: 10.81

Service Description: This map shows the number of Primary Care Providers available per 100,1000 people in the U.S., by state and county. The map is built between the scales of 1:73M and 1:36k, and switches from state, to county data as the map zooms in. A person’s ability to access health services has a profound effect on every aspect of his or her health, yet at the start of the decade, almost 1 in 4 Americans do not have a primary care provider (PCP) or health center where they can receive regular medical services. Approximately 1 in 5 Americans (children and adults) do not have medical insurance. People without medical insurance are more likely to lack a usual source of medical care, such as a PCP, and are more likely to skip routine medical care due to costs, increasing their risk for serious and disabling health conditions. When they do access health services, they are often burdened with large medical bills and out-of-pocket expenses. Increasing access to both routine medical care and medical insurance are vital steps in improving the health of all Americans. For a complete list of indicators, please visit . Note that many of the indicators on the Healthy Living list are not broken out below the national level; substitutions were made based on data in the Health Indicator warehouse (

Map Name: Layers


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Layers: Tables: Description: This map shows the number of Primary Care Providers available per 100,1000 people in the U.S., by state and county. The map is built between the scales of 1:73M and 1:36k, and switches from state, to county data as the map zooms in. A person’s ability to access health services has a profound effect on every aspect of his or her health, yet at the start of the decade, almost 1 in 4 Americans do not have a primary care provider (PCP) or health center where they can receive regular medical services. Approximately 1 in 5 Americans (children and adults) do not have medical insurance. People without medical insurance are more likely to lack a usual source of medical care, such as a PCP, and are more likely to skip routine medical care due to costs, increasing their risk for serious and disabling health conditions. When they do access health services, they are often burdened with large medical bills and out-of-pocket expenses. Increasing access to both routine medical care and medical insurance are vital steps in improving the health of all Americans. For a complete list of indicators, please visit . Note that many of the indicators on the Healthy Living list are not broken out below the national level; substitutions were made based on data in the Health Indicator warehouse (

Copyright Text: ©2012 Esri, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Spatial Reference:

Single Fused Map Cache: true

Capabilities: Map,TilesOnly

Tile Info:
Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Min Scale: 7.3957190948944E7
Max Scale: 1155581.108577

Min LOD: 3
Max LOD: 9

Units: esriMeters

Supported Image Format Types: PNG8

Export Tiles Allowed: false
Max Export Tiles Count: 100000

Document Info: