Global_airline_routes (Map Service)
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Current Version: 10.81
Service Description: This layer visualizes over 60,000 commercial flight paths. The data was obtained from, and was last updated in June 2014.
The site states, "The third-party that OpenFlights uses for route data ceased providing updates in June 2014. The current data is of historical value only. As of June 2014, the OpenFlights/Airline Route Mapper Route Database contains 67,663 routes between 3,321 airports on 548 airlines spanning the globe. Creating and maintaining this database has required and continues to require an immense amount of work. We need your support to keep this database up-to-date."
Routes were created using the
XY-to-line tool in ArcGIS Pro, inspired by
Kenneth Field's work, and following a modified methodology from Michael Markieta (
Some cleanup was required in the original data, including adding missing location data for several airports and some missing IATA codes. Before performing the point to line conversion, the key to preserving attributes in the original data is a combination of the
INDEX and MATCH functions in Microsoft Excel.
Example function: =INDEX(Airlines!$B$2:$B$6200,MATCH(Routes!$A2,Airlines!$D$2:Airlines!$D$6200,0))
Map Name: Map
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Description: This layer visualizes over 60,000 commercial flight paths. The data was obtained from, and was last updated in June 2014.
The site states, "The third-party that OpenFlights uses for route data ceased providing updates in June 2014. The current data is of historical value only. As of June 2014, the OpenFlights/Airline Route Mapper Route Database contains 67,663 routes between 3,321 airports on 548 airlines spanning the globe. Creating and maintaining this database has required and continues to require an immense amount of work. We need your support to keep this database up-to-date."
Routes were created using the
XY-to-line tool in ArcGIS Pro, inspired by
Kenneth Field's work, and following a modified methodology from Michael Markieta (
Some cleanup was required in the original data, including adding missing location data for several airports and some missing IATA codes. Before performing the point to line conversion, the key to preserving attributes in the original data is a combination of the
INDEX and MATCH functions in Microsoft Excel.
Example function: =INDEX(Airlines!$B$2:$B$6200,MATCH(Routes!$A2,Airlines!$D$2:Airlines!$D$6200,0))
Copyright Text:
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Document Info: - Title: Global Airline Routes
- Author: StoryMaps
- Comments:
- Subject: A visualization of global airline routes, based on data from
- Category:
- Keywords: anthropocene, airlines, networks, ArcGIS, Service Definition, .sd