Mumbai_Housing_Density (Map Service)
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Current Version: 10.81
Service Description: Residential landuse for the city is shown, expressed as housing density. Housing density is divided into three categories: high, medium, low. Generally the data provided by each city had a code or an indicator such as "residential high density." Generally, no numeric value determined the density, rather an indicator of housing zones or actual building type identified the housing type, and thus the density. In Mumbai, housing density was determined by how many floors where in a building. Three divisions were made to derive the high, medium, low density (ie. one or two floors = low density; three or four floors = medium density).
Map Name: Layers
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Description: Residential landuse for the city is shown, expressed as housing density. Housing density is divided into three categories: high, medium, low. Generally the data provided by each city had a code or an indicator such as "residential high density." Generally, no numeric value determined the density, rather an indicator of housing zones or actual building type identified the housing type, and thus the density. In Mumbai, housing density was determined by how many floors where in a building. Three divisions were made to derive the high, medium, low density (ie. one or two floors = low density; three or four floors = medium density).
Copyright Text:
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Document Info: - Title: Mumbai_Housing_Density
- Author: AtlasPublisher
- Comments:
- Subject: This map shows the residential housing density in Mumbai.
- Category:
- Keywords: residential, housing, density, Mumbai