aafc_ecostratification_boundaries_ecodistricts_tiles (Map Service)
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Current Version: 10.81
Service Description: The National Ecological Framework for Canada provides a consistent, national spatial framework that allows various ecosystems to be described, monitored and reported on. It provides standard ecological units that allow different jurisdictions and disciplines to use common communication and reporting, and a common ground to report on the state of the environment and the sustainability of ecosystems in Canada.
ecodistrict is a subdivision of an ecoregion and is characterized by distinctive assemblages of relief, landforms, geology, soil, vegetation,
water bodies and fauna. For example, the Jeddore Lake ecodistrict (no. 473) is one of five ecodistricts within the Maritime Barrens ecoregion.
Map Name: Layers
All Layers and Tables
Description: The National Ecological Framework for Canada provides a consistent, national spatial framework that allows various ecosystems to be described, monitored and reported on. It provides standard ecological units that allow different jurisdictions and disciplines to use common communication and reporting, and a common ground to report on the state of the environment and the sustainability of ecosystems in Canada.
ecodistrict is a subdivision of an ecoregion and is characterized by distinctive assemblages of relief, landforms, geology, soil, vegetation,
water bodies and fauna. For example, the Jeddore Lake ecodistrict (no. 473) is one of five ecodistricts within the Maritime Barrens ecoregion.
Copyright Text: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Government of Canada
Spatial Reference: 102100
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Document Info: - Title: AAFC Ecostratification Boundaries - Ecodistricts (tiles)
- Author: AgCanada
- Comments:
- Subject: The National Ecological Framework for Canada provides a framework that allows various ecosystems to be described, monitored and reported on.
- Category:
- Keywords: National Ecological Framework, Biota, Ecodistricts, Terrestrial ecosystems, Ecology, Ecosystems, lang-en