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Toronto1903 (Map Service)

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Current Version: 10.81

Service Description: This set of fire insurance plans covers downtown Toronto and the Toronto Islands. These maps were scanned and georeferenced as part of the Georia Project at the University of Toronto from an original atlas at Toronto Public Library, Toronto Reference Library (Atlas Collection). Fire insurance plans provide detailed information about the history of the buildings and land use. Building outlines are included in the maps. These maps can be used to determine when a building was built or demolished, the details of building materials, the position of a building on a lot, and in some cases the name or function of the business.

Map Name: Layers


All Layers and Tables

Layers: Tables: Description: This set of fire insurance plans covers downtown Toronto and the Toronto Islands. These maps were scanned and georeferenced as part of the Georia Project at the University of Toronto from an original atlas at Toronto Public Library, Toronto Reference Library (Atlas Collection). Fire insurance plans provide detailed information about the history of the buildings and land use. Building outlines are included in the maps. These maps can be used to determine when a building was built or demolished, the details of building materials, the position of a building on a lot, and in some cases the name or function of the business.

Copyright Text: Toronto Public Library, Library and Archives Canada, and City of Toronto Archives

Spatial Reference:

Single Fused Map Cache: true

Capabilities: Map,TilesOnly,Tilemap

Tile Info:
Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Min Scale: 288895.277144
Max Scale: 1128.497176

Min LOD: 11
Max LOD: 19

Units: esriMeters

Supported Image Format Types: PNG

Export Tiles Allowed: false
Max Export Tiles Count: 100000

Document Info: