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Toronto1858 (Map Service)

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Current Version: 10.81

Service Description: Atlas of Toronto: Surveyed & Compiled by W.S. & H.C. Boulton Toronto. / Lithographed & Published by Jon Ellis 8, King Street.
Images from this set are courtesy of the Toronto Public Library: 912.71354 B594 1858.
Winearls, MUC no. 2133

Information from Historical Maps of Toronto:
“Sometime in 1858, William Somerville Boulton (1830-1860) and his brother Henry Carew Boulton (1833-1898), young Provincial Land Surveyors, completed this massive 30-sheet map or "atlas" of the City of Toronto. At one inch to 100 feet, this was the largest scale map of Toronto produced to that date and the first to show buildings in detail. The massive printing job was undertaken by John Ellis, a leading local map printer. It is no wonder the "atlas" took a prize at the Upper Canada Provincial Exhibition in 1858.

The maps indicated the construction material of buildings from stone through brick (red) to frame (grey and white). The legend also indicates a further classification of buildings (by use of 1s and 2s) into 1st and 2nd class buildings in that category. Information on fire alarms is also given.

With its detailed information on building materials, the "atlas" may be considered a forerunner of the fire insurance plans of the 1880s.”
                              - Isobel Ganton & Joan Winearls, MAPPING TORONTO'S FIRST CENTURY 1787-1884

This map was georeferenced using ArcGIS software.  The image was then cached to create this map service.

This product is to be used for reference purposes only. The original historical paper maps were sometimes damaged or distorted to varying degrees due to age and use. There are spatial inaccuracies and some places where the footprints do not lineup perfectly or in some cases overlap.

Map Name: Layers


All Layers and Tables

Layers: Tables: Description: Atlas of Toronto: Surveyed & Compiled by W.S. & H.C. Boulton Toronto. / Lithographed & Published by Jon Ellis 8, King Street.
Images from this set are courtesy of the Toronto Public Library: 912.71354 B594 1858.
Winearls, MUC no. 2133

Information from Historical Maps of Toronto:
“Sometime in 1858, William Somerville Boulton (1830-1860) and his brother Henry Carew Boulton (1833-1898), young Provincial Land Surveyors, completed this massive 30-sheet map or "atlas" of the City of Toronto. At one inch to 100 feet, this was the largest scale map of Toronto produced to that date and the first to show buildings in detail. The massive printing job was undertaken by John Ellis, a leading local map printer. It is no wonder the "atlas" took a prize at the Upper Canada Provincial Exhibition in 1858.

The maps indicated the construction material of buildings from stone through brick (red) to frame (grey and white). The legend also indicates a further classification of buildings (by use of 1s and 2s) into 1st and 2nd class buildings in that category. Information on fire alarms is also given.

With its detailed information on building materials, the "atlas" may be considered a forerunner of the fire insurance plans of the 1880s.”
                              - Isobel Ganton & Joan Winearls, MAPPING TORONTO'S FIRST CENTURY 1787-1884

This map was georeferenced using ArcGIS software.  The image was then cached to create this map service.

This product is to be used for reference purposes only. The original historical paper maps were sometimes damaged or distorted to varying degrees due to age and use. There are spatial inaccuracies and some places where the footprints do not lineup perfectly or in some cases overlap.

Copyright Text: Toronto Public Library

Spatial Reference:

Single Fused Map Cache: true

Capabilities: Map,TilesOnly,Tilemap

Tile Info:
Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Min Scale: 72223.819286
Max Scale: 4513.988705

Min LOD: 13
Max LOD: 17

Units: esriMeters

Supported Image Format Types: PNG

Export Tiles Allowed: false
Max Export Tiles Count: 100000

Document Info: