Global_Lakes_and_Wetlands (Map Service)
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Current Version: 10.81
Service Description: Wetlands are a crucial
part of natural infrastructure as they help protect water quality, hold excess
flood water, stabilize shoreline, and help recharge
groundwater. The Global Lakes and Wetlands Database combines
best available sources for lakes and wetlands on a global scale. This data set
estimates large-scale wetland distributions and important wetland complexes,
including areas of marsh, fen, peatland, and water. Large rivers are also
included as wetlands (lotic wetlands). It is assumed that only a river with
adjacent wetlands (floodplain) is wide enough to appear as a polygon on the
coarse-scale source maps. Limited by sources, the data set refers to lakes as
permanent still-water bodies (lentic water bodies) without direct connection to
the sea, including saline lakes and lagoons as lakes, while excluding
intermittent or ephemeral water bodies. Lakes that are manmade are explicitly
classified as reservoirs. This data set includes information on large lakes
(area ≥ 50 km²) and reservoirs (storage capacity ≥ 0.5 km³),
permanent open water bodies (surface area ≥ 0.1 km²), and maximum extent and
types of wetlands. The extent of wetlands and lakes may vary seasonally, and
thus this data set may not match real-world extents. The dataset provides an
estimate of maximum extents of wetlands and identifies large-scale wetland
distribution and important wetland complexes.
Map Name: Map1
All Layers and Tables
Description: Wetlands are a crucial
part of natural infrastructure as they help protect water quality, hold excess
flood water, stabilize shoreline, and help recharge
groundwater. The Global Lakes and Wetlands Database combines
best available sources for lakes and wetlands on a global scale. This data set
estimates large-scale wetland distributions and important wetland complexes,
including areas of marsh, fen, peatland, and water. Large rivers are also
included as wetlands (lotic wetlands). It is assumed that only a river with
adjacent wetlands (floodplain) is wide enough to appear as a polygon on the
coarse-scale source maps. Limited by sources, the data set refers to lakes as
permanent still-water bodies (lentic water bodies) without direct connection to
the sea, including saline lakes and lagoons as lakes, while excluding
intermittent or ephemeral water bodies. Lakes that are manmade are explicitly
classified as reservoirs. This data set includes information on large lakes
(area ≥ 50 km²) and reservoirs (storage capacity ≥ 0.5 km³),
permanent open water bodies (surface area ≥ 0.1 km²), and maximum extent and
types of wetlands. The extent of wetlands and lakes may vary seasonally, and
thus this data set may not match real-world extents. The dataset provides an
estimate of maximum extents of wetlands and identifies large-scale wetland
distribution and important wetland complexes.
Copyright Text: McGill University, WWF
Spatial Reference: 102100
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Document Info: - Title: Global Lakes and Wetlands
- Author: dsiegel
- Comments:
- Subject: Global Lakes and Wetlands Database with 12 classification types.
- Category:
- Keywords: GLWD, marsh, swamp, swamps, bog, bogs, fen, mire, peatland, wetland complex, HydroSHEDS, hydro, hydrography, hydrology