Services Directory Login
  "layers" : [ {
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    "id" : 0,
    "name" : "WA_Spokane_243944_1901_12500",
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This raster dataset was collected to study historical landmarks in and around the Mukogawa U.S. Campus. Original data was collected from the USGS Historical Topographic Map Explorer This raster dataset is a historical map representing the City of Spokane , Washington in 1901.

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This raster dataset was collected to study historical landmarks in and around the Mukogawa U.S. Campus. Original data was collected from the USGS Historical Topographic Map Explorer This raster dataset is a historical map representing the City of Spokane , Washington in 1950..

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This raster dataset was collected to study historical landmarks in and around the Mukogawa U.S. Campus. Original data was collected from the USGS Historical Topographic Map Explorer This raster dataset is a historical map representing the City of Spokane , Washington in 1958.

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This raster dataset was collected to study historical landmarks in and around the Mukogawa U.S. Campus. Original data was collected from the USGS Historical Topographic Map Explorer This raster dataset is a historical map representing the City of Spokane , Washington in 1955.

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This raster dataset was collected to study historical landmarks in and around the Mukogawa U.S. Campus. Original data was collected from the USGS Historical Topographic Map Explorer This raster dataset is a historical map representing the City of Spokane , Washington in 1987..

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This raster dataset was collected to study historical landmarks in and around the Mukogawa U.S. Campus. Original data was collected from the USGS Historical Topographic Map Explorer This raster dataset is a historical map representing the City of Spokane , Washington in 1950.

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This raster dataset was collected to study historical landmarks in and around the Mukogawa U.S. Campus. Original data was collected from the USGS Historical Topographic Map Explorer This raster dataset is a historical map representing the City of Spokane , Washington in 1963.

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This raster dataset was collected to study historical landmarks in and around the Mukogawa U.S. Campus. Original data was collected from the USGS Historical Topographic Map Explorer This raster dataset is a historical map representing the City of Spokane , Washington in 1974.

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This raster dataset was collected to study historical landmarks in and around the Mukogawa U.S. Campus. Original data was collected from the USGS Historical Topographic Map Explorer This raster dataset is a historical map/imagery representing the City of Spokane , Washington in 1978.

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This raster dataset was collected to study historical landmarks in and around the Mukogawa U.S. Campus. Original data was collected from the USGS Historical Topographic Map Explorer This raster dataset is a historical map representing the City of Spokane , Washington in 1974.

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