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2013_Surface_and_Imagery_WEL (Image Service)

View In :    ArcGIS JavaScript

Current Version : 10.81

Description : This Elevation Layer is a 3D surface created from using 2013 Lidar data recorded and posted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Due to the to areas where Lidar data was not generated the surface is incomplete and has areas or erroneous elevation data. These problem area lay at the edge of the surface and do not effect the project area itself so surface is still valid within the selected project area.

Service Description :

Copyright Text :

Spatial Reference :

Single Fused Map Cache : true

Capabilities : Image,TilesOnly,Tilemap

Tile Info :
Extent :
Initial Extent :
Full Extent :
Band Count : 1
Service Data Type : esriImageServiceDataTypeElevation
Cache Type : Elevation
Dataset Format : Cache/LERC
Compression Type : LERC

Pixel Type : F32
Pixel Size X : 0.01866138385297604
Pixel Size Y : 0.01866138385297604
Min Pixel Size : 0.29858214164761665
Max Pixel Size : 156543.03392800014

Block Width : 256
Block Height : 256

Min Scale : 5.91657527591555E8
Max Scale : 1128.497176

Export Tiles Allowed : false
Max Export Tiles Count : 100000
Cache Type : Elevation

Document Info :