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Document Info:
Title: Chattanooga Bus Service
Author: gis1sp22_21
Subject: This map displays current bus stops in the city of Chattanooga, Tennessee as point features. Using the local road network, bus service areas were calculates as polygons to display areas within a 10-minute walking distance to bus stops. The map was then enriched with three polygon layers representing population density, poverty, and households with no access to a vehicle. These layers were symbolized to display brighter color in higher densities of their respective attributes. Then they were masked with the bus service areas polygons layer.
If you turn off the bus tops and bus service areas layers, you will see neighborhoods that have high densities of population, poverty, and no access to a vehicle but with no access to bus service -such as East Ridge and Red Bank. This map will help the city plan new bus routes to best serve its most in need population.