SB_Depth_Grids_6_19_2018 (Map Service)
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ArcGIS JavaScript
Current Version: 10.81
Service Description: The Thomas Fire burned more than 281,000 acres in Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties from early December 2017 into January 2018. Afterwards, winter storms caused debris flows that resulted a tragic loss of life and significant damage to infrastructure and changes to the ground conditions. After these events, Recovery Maps were developed so that communities and citizens make better informed decisions about rebuilding. Mapping hazards is vital for safe disaster recovery; it provides the data necessary for new construction and creates awareness of risk. As communities recover from the devastating effects of these recent events, it is important to recognize valuable lessons learned. Santa Barbara County plans to use the updated elevation information generated from this study to rebuild stronger, safer, and with reduced vulnerability to future disaster events. When making building elevation decisions, compare the effective FIRM to the new Recovery Map, and use the higher elevation and wider high-hazard area. Property and business owners should consult with their local building official to fully understand how this new data can be used to support rebuilding efforts. The Recovery Maps do not impact rating for flood Insurance.
Map Name: Layers
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Description: The Thomas Fire burned more than 281,000 acres in Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties from early December 2017 into January 2018. Afterwards, winter storms caused debris flows that resulted a tragic loss of life and significant damage to infrastructure and changes to the ground conditions. After these events, Recovery Maps were developed so that communities and citizens make better informed decisions about rebuilding. Mapping hazards is vital for safe disaster recovery; it provides the data necessary for new construction and creates awareness of risk. As communities recover from the devastating effects of these recent events, it is important to recognize valuable lessons learned. Santa Barbara County plans to use the updated elevation information generated from this study to rebuild stronger, safer, and with reduced vulnerability to future disaster events. When making building elevation decisions, compare the effective FIRM to the new Recovery Map, and use the higher elevation and wider high-hazard area. Property and business owners should consult with their local building official to fully understand how this new data can be used to support rebuilding efforts. The Recovery Maps do not impact rating for flood Insurance.
Copyright Text:
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Document Info: - Title: Santa Barbara, CA Depth Grids 6/19/2018
- Author: FEMA_Region9_GIS
- Comments:
- Subject: This WebApp depicts Recovery maps for debris flow following the Thomas Fire in Santa Barbara, CA
- Category:
- Keywords: Santa Barbara, CA, Debris Flow, Thomas Fire, NFIP, Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA)