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PNNL_RIFT_20181010 (Map Service)

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Current Version: 10.81

Service Description: These RIFT runs used 48 hrs of precipitation based on hours 06 through 48 of the 6-hr QPF data (p06m_2018101000f0??.grb). The derived hourly precipitation evenly distributed the rain depth of each 6-hr increment. Runs were targeted for 10 days of run time for the 6 HUC4 basins. Edisto and Altamaha ran to day 9, the rest completed day 10.

90-m resolution was used for all basins but Ochlockonee (60-m resolution, Tallahassee basin), no infiltration, no storm surge. These are WGS84.


·        Simulation results are based on forecasted precipitation data and are subject to change
·        6-hr QPF data were used with a flat temporal distribution for each 6-hr period.
·        Soils are assumed saturated and subject to minimal infiltration
·        Storm surge and tidal dynamics are not included. Flood extents in areas impacted by either should be used with caution.
·        The peak flood depth product is a representation of the peak flood depth at every grid cell, regardless of when the peak occurred.
·        90-m resolution elevation data was used for this simulation. Local-scale topographic effects may not be captured in the simulation
·        Where data is available, National Levee Database is incorporated into the simulation.
         Accuracy of levee representation is subject to the accuracy of the NLDB.
·        Simulation results are intended to be used to estimate potential infrastructure impacts.

         Use of the data for any other purpose should be done with caution. These data are not
         intended to be used for life-preserving purposes.

·        Dam operations are not included in the simulation but may greatly impact downstream

Map Name: Map


All Layers and Tables

Layers: Tables: Description: These RIFT runs used 48 hrs of precipitation based on hours 06 through 48 of the 6-hr QPF data (p06m_2018101000f0??.grb). The derived hourly precipitation evenly distributed the rain depth of each 6-hr increment. Runs were targeted for 10 days of run time for the 6 HUC4 basins. Edisto and Altamaha ran to day 9, the rest completed day 10.

90-m resolution was used for all basins but Ochlockonee (60-m resolution, Tallahassee basin), no infiltration, no storm surge. These are WGS84.


·        Simulation results are based on forecasted precipitation data and are subject to change
·        6-hr QPF data were used with a flat temporal distribution for each 6-hr period.
·        Soils are assumed saturated and subject to minimal infiltration
·        Storm surge and tidal dynamics are not included. Flood extents in areas impacted by either should be used with caution.
·        The peak flood depth product is a representation of the peak flood depth at every grid cell, regardless of when the peak occurred.
·        90-m resolution elevation data was used for this simulation. Local-scale topographic effects may not be captured in the simulation
·        Where data is available, National Levee Database is incorporated into the simulation.
         Accuracy of levee representation is subject to the accuracy of the NLDB.
·        Simulation results are intended to be used to estimate potential infrastructure impacts.

         Use of the data for any other purpose should be done with caution. These data are not
         intended to be used for life-preserving purposes.

·        Dam operations are not included in the simulation but may greatly impact downstream

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Spatial Reference:

Single Fused Map Cache: true

Capabilities: Map,TilesOnly,Tilemap

Tile Info:
Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Min Scale: 9244648.868618
Max Scale: 144447.638572

Min LOD: 6
Max LOD: 12

Units: esriMeters

Supported Image Format Types: PNG

Export Tiles Allowed: true
Max Export Tiles Count: 100000

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