Earthquake_Exposure_Map (Map Service)
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ArcGIS JavaScript
Current Version: 10.81
Service Description: This layer was generated from CoreLogic residential and non-residential structures that intersected with the Shaken Fury ShakeMap MMI 7 or greater. More information:
Exercise - Exercise - Exercise
Data layers, Analysis, Modeling represent the collective efforts of the
geospatial community to provide data driven and science based content &
analysis to inform planning efforts for exercise scenarios and emergency
The purpose of Shaken Fury 2019 (SF19) is to evaluate and improve the whole
community’s ability to establish and implement a coordinated strategy of rapid
response and recovery operations for the prioritization and application of accessible
resources and capabilities in response to a “no-notice” earthquake incident.
Utilizing a common scenario of a 7.7 magnitude earthquake off the Cottonwood
Grove Fault (Southwest Segment of the New Madrid Seismic Zone [NMSZ])
outside of Memphis, Tennessee, whole community partners will come together
from May 29 – June 7, 2019 to exercise response and recovery missions
throughout and beyond the NMSZ Region.Through a series of integrated tabletop,
functional, and full-scale exercises, the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky,
Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee will coordinate response and recovery
activities with FEMA Regions IV, V, VI, and VII state, FEMA headquarters, U.S.
Department of Energy, and Department of Defense (DOD).
Credits and much thanks GIS partner agencies:
USGS, DOE, CUSEC, FEMA Hazus HQ Team, FEMA Recovery GIS, DoD,
FEMA HQ Response Geosaptial Office, DHS NCC/ESF2
Map Name: Map
All Layers and Tables
Description: This layer was generated from CoreLogic residential and non-residential structures that intersected with the Shaken Fury ShakeMap MMI 7 or greater. More information:
Exercise - Exercise - Exercise
Data layers, Analysis, Modeling represent the collective efforts of the
geospatial community to provide data driven and science based content &
analysis to inform planning efforts for exercise scenarios and emergency
The purpose of Shaken Fury 2019 (SF19) is to evaluate and improve the whole
community’s ability to establish and implement a coordinated strategy of rapid
response and recovery operations for the prioritization and application of accessible
resources and capabilities in response to a “no-notice” earthquake incident.
Utilizing a common scenario of a 7.7 magnitude earthquake off the Cottonwood
Grove Fault (Southwest Segment of the New Madrid Seismic Zone [NMSZ])
outside of Memphis, Tennessee, whole community partners will come together
from May 29 – June 7, 2019 to exercise response and recovery missions
throughout and beyond the NMSZ Region.Through a series of integrated tabletop,
functional, and full-scale exercises, the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky,
Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee will coordinate response and recovery
activities with FEMA Regions IV, V, VI, and VII state, FEMA headquarters, U.S.
Department of Energy, and Department of Defense (DOD).
Credits and much thanks GIS partner agencies:
USGS, DOE, CUSEC, FEMA Hazus HQ Team, FEMA Recovery GIS, DoD,
FEMA HQ Response Geosaptial Office, DHS NCC/ESF2
Copyright Text:
Spatial Reference: 102100
Single Fused Map Cache: true
Capabilities: Map,TilesOnly,Tilemap
Tile Info:
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Max LOD: 12
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Supported Image Format Types: Mixed
Export Tiles Allowed: false
Max Export Tiles Count: 100000
Document Info: - Title: Earthquake Exposure Map
- Author: FEMA_MAC
- Comments:
- Subject: EXERCISE Shaken Fury Earthquake Exposure Map: This layer generated by running a weighted density function on structures, which are weighted by exposure (MMI) and structural vulnerability (SVI Housing & Transportation rating). The output of the weighted density function is similar to a heat map, where darker zones indicate areas of higher probability of damage.
- Category:
- Keywords: Shaken Fury, FEMA