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CVpeak_flood_depthft_bin_tiff_01262021 (Map Service)

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Current Version: 10.81

Service Description:
The attached flood area forecast was produced by the Rapid Infrastructure Flood Tool (RIFT), a two- dimensional hydrodynamic model developed to quickly produce flood estimates for multiple types of flooding. RIFT has been used extensively to model the impacts of inundation caused by elevated river stages, dam breaks, and extreme rainfall events. Similar to other numerical models, RIFT results may be sensitive to the representation of antecedent conditions, event parameterization, and the spatial and temporal resolution of input data. To address these concerns, the RIFT modeling team uses the best available data from state and federal government sources as well as the latest event forecasts from NOAA operational models. Any error or uncertainty that is within those data and forecasts is not addressed within RIFT. All model runs are stored within the Water Event Lookup Library (WELL) for long-term evaluation and retrieval. Additionally, the WELL includes the associated metadata (describe parameters) for each run.

Simulation Information
• Forecast Date: 01/26/2021 12z – 90-m resolution run
• Simulation Type: Rainfall-Runoff – 84 hrs precipitation (based on 7-day forecast), 10 days total.

Input Data Datasets
• Precipitation Data: 6-hr QPF 20210126 12Z (QPF times 018 through 096). These data were converted to hourly rainfall using an equal distribution for each of the 6 hours of the forecast.

Map Name: Map


All Layers and Tables

Layers: Tables: Description:
The attached flood area forecast was produced by the Rapid Infrastructure Flood Tool (RIFT), a two- dimensional hydrodynamic model developed to quickly produce flood estimates for multiple types of flooding. RIFT has been used extensively to model the impacts of inundation caused by elevated river stages, dam breaks, and extreme rainfall events. Similar to other numerical models, RIFT results may be sensitive to the representation of antecedent conditions, event parameterization, and the spatial and temporal resolution of input data. To address these concerns, the RIFT modeling team uses the best available data from state and federal government sources as well as the latest event forecasts from NOAA operational models. Any error or uncertainty that is within those data and forecasts is not addressed within RIFT. All model runs are stored within the Water Event Lookup Library (WELL) for long-term evaluation and retrieval. Additionally, the WELL includes the associated metadata (describe parameters) for each run.

Simulation Information
• Forecast Date: 01/26/2021 12z – 90-m resolution run
• Simulation Type: Rainfall-Runoff – 84 hrs precipitation (based on 7-day forecast), 10 days total.

Input Data Datasets
• Precipitation Data: 6-hr QPF 20210126 12Z (QPF times 018 through 096). These data were converted to hourly rainfall using an equal distribution for each of the 6 hours of the forecast.

Copyright Text:

Spatial Reference:

Single Fused Map Cache: true

Capabilities: Map,TilesOnly,Tilemap

Tile Info:
Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Min Scale: 4622324.434309
Max Scale: 144447.638572

Min LOD: 7
Max LOD: 12

Units: esriMeters

Supported Image Format Types: Mixed

Export Tiles Allowed: false
Max Export Tiles Count: 100000

Document Info: