NCC_Ecosystem_Services_Value_2016 (Map Service)
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Service Description: Ecosystem services (ES) consist of direct and indirect functions and processes that people and society benefit from economically or that contribute to their quality of life.
This study measures the market and non-market economic value provided by the National Capital Commission’s (NCC) lands in the National Capital Region (NCR). The NCC manages Gatineau Park, the Greenbelt and numerous green spaces referred to as urban lands, collectively referred to as the National Capital Commission’s Green Network (NCCGN). This Study will estimate the value of the natural capital (i.e., NCC lands, forests, wetlands, water systems and agricultural lands) in terms of ecosystem services and the benefits provided by nature to communities.
Map Name: Layers
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Description: Ecosystem services (ES) consist of direct and indirect functions and processes that people and society benefit from economically or that contribute to their quality of life.
This study measures the market and non-market economic value provided by the National Capital Commission’s (NCC) lands in the National Capital Region (NCR). The NCC manages Gatineau Park, the Greenbelt and numerous green spaces referred to as urban lands, collectively referred to as the National Capital Commission’s Green Network (NCCGN). This Study will estimate the value of the natural capital (i.e., NCC lands, forests, wetlands, water systems and agricultural lands) in terms of ecosystem services and the benefits provided by nature to communities.
Copyright Text: National Capital Commission
Spatial Reference: 102100
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Document Info: - Title: NCC Ecosystem Services Value 2016
- Author: NCC_CCN
- Comments:
- Subject: Estimates the total economic value of ecosystem services provided by the NCC’s green spaces.
- Category:
- Keywords: Ecosystem Services, Ecosystems, 2016, Nature