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blmglomaps (Map Service)

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Current Version: 10.81

Service Description:

Donation sent to the University of Idaho Library Government Documents Librarian a CD containing General Land Office maps on it.

A readme file on the CD contains this information:

"I obtained the attached GLO maps from Mitch Price at River Design Group who obtained them from another source. These maps apparently do not have a date, I assume it was stripped off when they were rectified. These maps show the Great Northern Rail line, it arrived in Bonners Ferry in 1892. The Spokane International Railroad (Union Pacific purchased this line) built a bridge across the Kootenai R. in 1906."

"I am a bit puzzled on the map dates, the Kootenai River Master Plan indicated these maps are 1862-65 but they also show the Great Northern Rail line but not the Spokane International Railroad which seems to place them somewhere between 1892 - 1906 unless perhaps they were revised at a later date."

Gary Barton USGS Tacoma, WA 253-552-1613

Map Name: Map1


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Layers: Tables: Description:

Donation sent to the University of Idaho Library Government Documents Librarian a CD containing General Land Office maps on it.

A readme file on the CD contains this information:

"I obtained the attached GLO maps from Mitch Price at River Design Group who obtained them from another source. These maps apparently do not have a date, I assume it was stripped off when they were rectified. These maps show the Great Northern Rail line, it arrived in Bonners Ferry in 1892. The Spokane International Railroad (Union Pacific purchased this line) built a bridge across the Kootenai R. in 1906."

"I am a bit puzzled on the map dates, the Kootenai River Master Plan indicated these maps are 1862-65 but they also show the Great Northern Rail line but not the Spokane International Railroad which seems to place them somewhere between 1892 - 1906 unless perhaps they were revised at a later date."

Gary Barton USGS Tacoma, WA 253-552-1613

Copyright Text: Bureau of Land Management General Land Office; University of Idaho Library

Spatial Reference:

Single Fused Map Cache: true

Capabilities: Map,TilesOnly,Tilemap

Tile Info:
Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Min Scale: 8990426.0
Max Scale: 18056.0

Min LOD: 7
Max LOD: 15

Units: esriMeters

Supported Image Format Types: Mixed

Export Tiles Allowed: false
Max Export Tiles Count: 100000

Document Info: