Services Directory Login
  "layers" : [ {
    "currentVersion" : 10.81,
    "id" : 0,
    "name" : "Wolverine Climatic Niche Model",
    "type" : "Raster Layer",
    "description" : "Climatic\nniche models (CNM) use correlation,\nmachine-learning and statistical approaches to define climate conditions within\neach species’ currently mapped range boundary. These relationships are then\napplied to projected climate changes to identify where on the landscape those\nclimate conditions are projected to be in the future. This map shows CNM results\nbased on results from two CMIP3 Global Circulation Models (GCMs): CGCM3.1 and\nHadley CM3. Both models use the A2 (high) emissions scenario. CNMs are\nbased on climate conditions alone and do not account for dispersal ability,\ngenetic adaptation, interspecies interactions, or other aspects of habitat\nsuitability. Once projected range shifts were modeled, current land uses and\nprojected vegetation types (using Shafer et al. 2015)\nunlikely to support species occurrence were removed. For example, areas\ncurrently defined as urban were removed for species unable to live in urban\nlandscapes, and grassland habitats were removed for forest-dependent species. Both\nwould be shown as unsuitable.\n\n\n\nDark gray areas indicate areas of the species’ current\nrange that are projected to remain climatically suitable by both GCMs (i.e.\nrange is expected to remain “stable”). Dark pink areas are projected to become\nless climatically suitable by both GCMs (i.e. range is expected to “contract”).\nLight pink areas are projected to become less suitable under one model but\nremain stable under the other. Dark green areas are areas not within the\nspecies’ current range that are projected to become climatically suitable by\nboth GCMs (i.e. the range is expected to “expand”). Light green areas are\nprojected to become climatically suitable by one GCM, but not the other.\n \nShafer, S.L., Bartlein, P.J , Gray, E.M., and\nR.T. Pelltier. 2015. Projected Future Vegetation Changes for the Northwest\nUnited States and Southwest Canada at a Fine Spatial Resolution Using a Dynamic\nGlobal Vegetation Model. PLoS ONE\n10(10): e0138759. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0138759\n\nThis dataset was uploaded to Data Basin and is available with additional information at: /datasets/f2e9f48162a8485ca4b3abc2d6b01872",
    "geometryType" : null,
    "copyrightText" : "Jesse Langdon",
    "parentLayer" : null,
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    "minScale" : 0,
    "maxScale" : 0,
    "defaultVisibility" : true,
    "extent" : {
      "xmin" : -1.397105992576762E7,
      "ymin" : 5860166.029806416,
      "xmax" : -1.2689958119272942E7,
      "ymax" : 6983768.678144092,
      "spatialReference" : {
        "wkid" : 102100,
        "latestWkid" : 3857
    "hasAttachments" : false,
    "htmlPopupType" : "esriServerHTMLPopupTypeNone",
    "displayField" : "",
    "typeIdField" : null,
    "fields" : null,
    "relationships" : [ ],
    "canModifyLayer" : false,
    "canScaleSymbols" : false,
    "hasLabels" : false,
    "capabilities" : "Map",
    "supportsStatistics" : false,
    "supportsAdvancedQueries" : false,
    "supportedQueryFormats" : "JSON, AMF",
    "ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures" : {
      "allowOthersToQuery" : true
    "advancedQueryCapabilities" : {
      "useStandardizedQueries" : false,
      "supportsStatistics" : false,
      "supportsOrderBy" : false,
      "supportsDistinct" : false,
      "supportsPagination" : false,
      "supportsTrueCurve" : true
  } ],
  "tables" : [ ]