Services Directory Login
  "layers" : [ {
    "currentVersion" : 10.81,
    "id" : 0,
    "name" : "Current/Historical Abundance",
    "type" : "Raster Layer",
    "description" : "Current (1980-2009) bird abundance estimates from a boosted regression tree (BRT) model for Hairy Woodpecker ( Picoides villosus ) in Oregon and Washington state based on avian point count data and eBird data ( together with climate covariates, and vegetation covariates driven by MC2, a dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM). Current climate data was based on PRISM ( Future climate data was based on downscaled projections (4km) of the GCMUSED global climate model developed by the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analogs (MACA) project. This downscaled data is part of the MACAv1-METDATA dataset ( for the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 8.5 from the Fifth Assessement Report of the Intergovernmenal Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Bird and vegetation models were trained using data from Oregon, Washington, California, and Nevada.",
    "geometryType" : null,
    "copyrightText" : "Sam Veloz; Leo Salas, Dennis Jongsomjit; Point Blue Conservation Science, Petaluma, CA.John Kim; U.S. Forest ServiceMichael Case; University of Washington",
    "parentLayer" : null,
    "subLayers" : [ ],
    "minScale" : 0,
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      "xmin" : -1.3889425632481962E7,
      "ymin" : 2893667.5428805677,
      "xmax" : -1.1570269574214552E7,
      "ymax" : 6285472.998209739,
      "spatialReference" : {
        "wkid" : 102100,
        "latestWkid" : 3857
    "hasAttachments" : false,
    "htmlPopupType" : "esriServerHTMLPopupTypeNone",
    "displayField" : "",
    "typeIdField" : null,
    "fields" : null,
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    "canModifyLayer" : false,
    "canScaleSymbols" : false,
    "hasLabels" : false,
    "capabilities" : "Map",
    "supportsStatistics" : false,
    "supportsAdvancedQueries" : false,
    "supportedQueryFormats" : "JSON, AMF",
    "ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures" : {
      "allowOthersToQuery" : true
    "advancedQueryCapabilities" : {
      "useStandardizedQueries" : false,
      "supportsStatistics" : false,
      "supportsOrderBy" : false,
      "supportsDistinct" : false,
      "supportsPagination" : false,
      "supportsTrueCurve" : true
  } ],
  "tables" : [ ]