Services Directory Login
  "currentVersion" : 10.81,
  "id" : 0,
  "name" : "Biome Climatic Niche Model",
  "type" : "Group Layer",
  "description" : "Four layers showing current and projected (2090) vegetation biomes. Display only one at a time.\n\nThis dataset was uploaded to Data Basin and is available with additional information at: /datasets/f58f6597c1d34aa8a640e62d69ec2cf7",
  "geometryType" : null,
  "copyrightText" : "Rehfeldt et al. 2012. North American vegetation model for land-use planning in a changing climate: a solution to large classification problems. Ecological Applications, 22(1): 119–141.",
  "parentLayer" : null,
  "subLayers" : [ {
    "id" : 1,
    "name" : "Biome Climatic Niche Model Consensus A2 2090"
  } ],
  "minScale" : 0,
  "maxScale" : 0,
  "defaultVisibility" : true,
  "extent" : {
    "xmin" : -1.397059609455817E7,
    "ymin" : 5860839.829987259,
    "xmax" : -1.2690421950486733E7,
    "ymax" : 6982997.9203868285,
    "spatialReference" : {
      "wkid" : 102100,
      "latestWkid" : 3857
  "hasAttachments" : false,
  "htmlPopupType" : "esriServerHTMLPopupTypeNone",
  "displayField" : "",
  "typeIdField" : null,
  "fields" : null,
  "relationships" : [ ],
  "canModifyLayer" : false,
  "canScaleSymbols" : false,
  "hasLabels" : false,
  "capabilities" : "Map",
  "supportsStatistics" : false,
  "supportsAdvancedQueries" : false,
  "supportedQueryFormats" : "JSON, AMF",
  "ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures" : {
    "allowOthersToQuery" : true
  "advancedQueryCapabilities" : {
    "useStandardizedQueries" : false,
    "supportsStatistics" : false,
    "supportsOrderBy" : false,
    "supportsDistinct" : false,
    "supportsPagination" : false,
    "supportsTrueCurve" : true