WorldGeo_Physical_Elevation_Zones_tiles (Map Service)
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ArcGIS JavaScript
Current Version: 10.81
Service Description: Global land elevation ranges with attributes in Meters and Feet. Elevation range for a given feature is not the specific elevation range of the specific feature but rather the global elevation range that it falls within - one of the following categories: Below Sea Level, 0 to 249 meters, 250 to 499 500 to 749, 750 to 999 1000 to 1999, 2000 to 2999, 3000 to 3999, 4000 to 4999, 5000 to 8440 meters.
Accompanies WorldGeo_Physical_Elevation_Zones_features feature service which is the vector version of this data providing elevation values for pop-ups.
Map Name: Layers
All Layers and Tables
Description: Global land elevation ranges with attributes in Meters and Feet. Elevation range for a given feature is not the specific elevation range of the specific feature but rather the global elevation range that it falls within - one of the following categories: Below Sea Level, 0 to 249 meters, 250 to 499 500 to 749, 750 to 999 1000 to 1999, 2000 to 2999, 3000 to 3999, 4000 to 4999, 5000 to 8440 meters.
Accompanies WorldGeo_Physical_Elevation_Zones_features feature service which is the vector version of this data providing elevation values for pop-ups.
Copyright Text: NOAA,
Spatial Reference: 102100
Single Fused Map Cache: true
Capabilities: Map,TilesOnly
Tile Info:
- Height: 256
- Width: 256
- DPI: 96
- Levels of Detail: (# Levels: 10)
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Resolution: 156543.033928
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Scale: 7.3957190948944E7
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Resolution: 9783.93962049996
Scale: 3.6978595474472E7
- Level ID: 5 [Start Tile, End Tile]
Resolution: 4891.96981024998
Scale: 1.8489297737236E7
- Level ID: 6 [Start Tile, End Tile]
Resolution: 2445.98490512499
Scale: 9244648.868618
- Level ID: 7 [Start Tile, End Tile]
Resolution: 1222.99245256249
Scale: 4622324.434309
- Level ID: 8 [Start Tile, End Tile]
Resolution: 611.49622628138
Scale: 2311162.217155
- Level ID: 9 [Start Tile, End Tile]
Resolution: 305.748113140558
Scale: 1155581.108577
- Format: PNG
- Compression Quality: 0
- Origin:
X: -2.0037508342787E7
Y: 2.0037508342787E7
- Spatial Reference:
Initial Extent: XMin: -2.0705504071487963E7
YMin: -3.2011646186527528E7
XMax: 2.0675412023677565E7
YMax: 1.953193606730365E7
Spatial Reference:
Full Extent: XMin: -2.0037507067161843E7
YMin: -3.024097146086609E7
XMax: 2.0037507067161843E7
YMax: 1.8394384316255633E7
Spatial Reference:
Min Scale: 5.91657527591555E8
Max Scale: 1155581.108577
Min LOD: 0
Max LOD: 9
Units: esriMeters
Supported Image Format Types: PNG
Export Tiles Allowed: false
Max Export Tiles Count: 100000
Document Info: - Title: WorldGeo_Physical_Elevation_Zones_tiles
- Author: Maps.com_carto
- Comments:
- Subject: Tiled layer of world elevation and elevation ranges
- Category:
- Keywords: elevation, physical geography, relief, topography