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Legend (StoryMapEcoregion)

wa_eco_level3_u83z10 (0)
EcoregionSplit (1)
wa_eco_level4_u83z10 (2)
10a Channeled Scablands
10b Loess Islands
10d Okanogan Drift Hills
10e Pleistocene Lake Basins
10f Dissected Loess Uplands
10g Yakima Folds
10h Palouse Hills
10i Deep Loess Foothills
10l Lower Snake and Clearwater Canyons
10m Okanogan Valley
11c Maritime-Influenced Zone
11f Canyons and Dissected Highlands
11g Canyons and Dissected Uplands
11l Mesic Forest Zone
11m Subalpine-Alpine Zone
15g Western Okanogan Semiarid Foothills
15h High Northern Rockies
15r Okanogan-Colville Xeric Valleys and Foothills
15s Spokane Valley Outwash Plains
15u Inland Maritime Foothills and Valleys
15v Northern Idaho Hills and Low Relief Mountains
15w Western Selkirk Maritime Forest
15x Okanogan Highland Dry Forest
15y Selkirk Mountains
1a Coastal Lowlands
1b Coastal Uplands
1c Low Olympics
1d Volcanics
1e Outwash
1f Willapa Hills
2a Fraser Lowland
2b Eastern Puget Riverine Lowlands
2c San Juan Islands
2d Olympic Rainshadow
2e Eastern Puget Uplands
2f Central Puget Lowland
2g Southern Puget Prairies
2h Cowlitz/Chehalis Foothills
2i Cowlitz/Newaukum Prairie Floodplains
3a Portland/Vancouver Basin
3d Valley Foothills
4a Western Cascades Lowlands and Valleys
4b Western Cascades Montane Highlands
4c Cascade Crest Montane Forest
4d Cascade Subalpine/Alpine
77a North Cascades Lowland Forests
77b North Cascades Highland Forests
77c North Cascades Subalpine/Alpine
77d Pasayten/Sawtooth Highlands
77e Okanogan Pine/Fir Hills
77f Chelan Tephra Hills
77g Wenatchee/Chelan Highlands
77h Chiwaukum Hills and Lowlands
77i High Olympics
9a Yakima Plateau and Slopes
9b Grand Fir Mixed Forest
9c Oak/Conifer Foothills
wa_eco_level3_u83z10 (3)
1 Coast Range
10 Columbia Plateau
11 Blue Mountains
15 Northern Rockies
2 Puget Lowland
3 Willamette Valley
4 Cascades
77 North Cascades
9 Eastern Cascades Slopes and Foothills