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WhittellForest_Elevation_Feet (Map Service)

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Current Version: 10.81

Service Description: Elevation and hillshade was derived primarily from the 2017 Washoe County 3DEP LIDAR with some inputs in the Tahoe Basin from the 2010 Tahoe Basin LIDAR. The two DEMs were combined into a single DEM and a hillshade was derived from that DEM.

Map Name: Layers


All Layers and Tables

Layers: Tables: Description: Elevation and hillshade was derived primarily from the 2017 Washoe County 3DEP LIDAR with some inputs in the Tahoe Basin from the 2010 Tahoe Basin LIDAR. The two DEMs were combined into a single DEM and a hillshade was derived from that DEM.

Copyright Text: Please cite as Dilts, T.E. (2020) Whittell Forest and Management Area, Elevation in Feet Streaming Web GIS Service. University of Nevada Reno. Available at:

Spatial Reference:

Single Fused Map Cache: true

Capabilities: Map,TilesOnly,Tilemap

Tile Info:
Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Min Scale: 144447.638572
Max Scale: 2256.994353

Min LOD: 12
Max LOD: 18

Units: esriMeters

Supported Image Format Types: PNG

Export Tiles Allowed: false
Max Export Tiles Count: 100000

Document Info: