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NW_Nevada_Talus (Map Service)

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Current Version: 10.81

Service Description: Talus was mapped in a complete fashion using NAIP imagery resampled to 5-meter resolution. Models were trained using data from Castillo et al. Ecological Applications, 26(6), 1660-1676 and hand-digitized training points for woodland portions os the study area.

Map Name: Layers


All Layers and Tables

Layers: Tables: Description: Talus was mapped in a complete fashion using NAIP imagery resampled to 5-meter resolution. Models were trained using data from Castillo et al. Ecological Applications, 26(6), 1660-1676 and hand-digitized training points for woodland portions os the study area.

Copyright Text: Dilts, T.E., Van Gunst, K.J., Millar, C.I., Castillo Vardaro, J.A. (2021) Talus map of northwest Nevada from NAIP imagery. University of Nevada Reno. Available at

Spatial Reference:

Single Fused Map Cache: true

Capabilities: Map,TilesOnly,Tilemap

Tile Info:
Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Min Scale: 1155581.108577
Max Scale: 4513.988705

Min LOD: 9
Max LOD: 17

Units: esriMeters

Supported Image Format Types: PNG

Export Tiles Allowed: false
Max Export Tiles Count: 100000

Document Info: