World_OCSV2_2016_CIFOR (Map Service)
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Current Version: 10.81
Service Description: Organic carbon stocks (MgC.ha-1) for the upper 30cm. The data derived from ISRIC’s website: (OCSTHA_sd1 + sd2+ sd3.tif) and it is the product of interpolating >150 co-variables to reproduce three soil variables for the upper 30cm: carbon content, bulk density and coarse fraction maps, based on n>2000 soil profiles. Carbon stocks combine these three variables and offer aggregated carbon stocks for both organic and mineral soils. For areas where our World_PeatlandV2_2016_CIFOR.tif layer indicates peat presence, carbon stocks should relate to organic soil only (30 upper centimeters).
Map Name: Layers
All Layers and Tables
Description: Organic carbon stocks (MgC.ha-1) for the upper 30cm. The data derived from ISRIC’s website: (OCSTHA_sd1 + sd2+ sd3.tif) and it is the product of interpolating >150 co-variables to reproduce three soil variables for the upper 30cm: carbon content, bulk density and coarse fraction maps, based on n>2000 soil profiles. Carbon stocks combine these three variables and offer aggregated carbon stocks for both organic and mineral soils. For areas where our World_PeatlandV2_2016_CIFOR.tif layer indicates peat presence, carbon stocks should relate to organic soil only (30 upper centimeters).
Copyright Text:
Spatial Reference: 102100
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Capabilities: Map,TilesOnly
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Document Info: - Title: World_OCSV2_2016_CIFOR
- Author: CIFOR_CSI
- Comments:
- Subject: Organic carbon stocks (MgC.ha-1) for the upper 30 cm.
- Category:
- Keywords: wetland, peat, histosol