BVI (Map Service)
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ArcGIS JavaScript
Current Version: 10.81
Service Description: According to local knowledge, the Barotse Floodplain could be classified in different land types. Information about where these land types are located is useful for planning, management, and conservation of natural resources. Several methods for land cover detection using Landsat 8 TM imagery were employed for the Barotse floodplain area in Zambia. By using the combination of the NDVI and Water index, 11 different classes were mapped. In addition, urban areas and recently burnt areas were identified. The land type map achieved an overall accuracy and a Kappa value of 82.1 and 78% respectively. However, there were 689.68 km2 classified as burnt areas which overlapped with the classification and could have led to misinterpretation. Therefore, it is advisable to continue validating and improving the accuracy of the current map by increasing the surface and distribution of validation points.
Map Name: Layers
All Layers and Tables
Description: According to local knowledge, the Barotse Floodplain could be classified in different land types. Information about where these land types are located is useful for planning, management, and conservation of natural resources. Several methods for land cover detection using Landsat 8 TM imagery were employed for the Barotse floodplain area in Zambia. By using the combination of the NDVI and Water index, 11 different classes were mapped. In addition, urban areas and recently burnt areas were identified. The land type map achieved an overall accuracy and a Kappa value of 82.1 and 78% respectively. However, there were 689.68 km2 classified as burnt areas which overlapped with the classification and could have led to misinterpretation. Therefore, it is advisable to continue validating and improving the accuracy of the current map by increasing the surface and distribution of validation points.
Copyright Text: Trinidad Del Rio ( and Natalia Estrada Carmona (
Spatial Reference: 102100
Single Fused Map Cache: true
Capabilities: Map,TilesOnly
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Document Info: - Title: BVI
- Author: n.e.carmona_Bioversity
- Comments:
- Subject: This map was created to identify potential areas for crop diversification, nutrition and provision of critical ecosystem services for the livelihoods and wellbeing of local communities.
- Category:
- Keywords: land types, agroecological units, floodplain, Barotse, Zambia, Bioveristy International