Service Description:This map is based on the Fertility Capability Classification (FCC)described by Pedro Sanchez and colleagues. Problem soils have been defined as soils with inherent physical or chemical constraints to agricultural production. The fertility capability soil classification was developed by Buol, Sanchez and co-workers as technical system for grouping soils according to the kind of problem they present for agronomic management of their chemical or physical properties. The system emphasizes quantifiable topsoil parameters as well as subsoil properties relevant to plant growth and yield performance.
Description:This map is based on the Fertility Capability Classification (FCC)described by Pedro Sanchez and colleagues. Problem soils have been defined as soils with inherent physical or chemical constraints to agricultural production. The fertility capability soil classification was developed by Buol, Sanchez and co-workers as technical system for grouping soils according to the kind of problem they present for agronomic management of their chemical or physical properties. The system emphasizes quantifiable topsoil parameters as well as subsoil properties relevant to plant growth and yield performance.