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OrthoImagery2019 (Map Service)

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Current Version: 10.81

Service Description: Urban area tiled map service derived from .25-foot pixel resolution digital orthoimagery produced for Santa Clara County by the Sanborn Map Company. The orthoimagery provided is 4-band (R, G, B, NIR), 8-bit per pixel and delivered in section tiles in uncompressed TIFF/TFW, compressed SID/SDW (10:1) and compressed JP2000 (10:1) formats. The data was collected between December 13, 2018, and February 07, 2019 at an altitude range between 5200 and 7400 feet using an UltraCam Eagle camera and complies with the NSSDA standards, large scale maps at 1" = 50'. This orthoimagery is published in California State Plane Zone III North, NAD 83(2011), NAVD88, U.S. Survey Feet. 

Rural area tiled map service derived from .50-foot pixel resolution digital orthoimagery produced for Santa Clara County by the Sanborn Map Company. The orthoimagery provided is 4-band (R, G, B, NIR), 8-bit per pixel and delivered in section tiles in uncompressed TIFF/TFW, compressed SID/SDW (10:1) and compressed JP2000 (10:1) formats. The data was collected on December 13 and December 17, 2018 at an altitude range between 10647 and 11631 feet using an UltraCam Eagle camera and complies with the NSSDA standards, large scale maps at 1" = 100'. This orthoimagery is published in California State Plane Zone III North, NAD 83(2011), NAVD88, U.S. Survey Feet.

Map Name: Layers


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Layers: Tables: Description: Urban area tiled map service derived from .25-foot pixel resolution digital orthoimagery produced for Santa Clara County by the Sanborn Map Company. The orthoimagery provided is 4-band (R, G, B, NIR), 8-bit per pixel and delivered in section tiles in uncompressed TIFF/TFW, compressed SID/SDW (10:1) and compressed JP2000 (10:1) formats. The data was collected between December 13, 2018, and February 07, 2019 at an altitude range between 5200 and 7400 feet using an UltraCam Eagle camera and complies with the NSSDA standards, large scale maps at 1" = 50'. This orthoimagery is published in California State Plane Zone III North, NAD 83(2011), NAVD88, U.S. Survey Feet. 

Rural area tiled map service derived from .50-foot pixel resolution digital orthoimagery produced for Santa Clara County by the Sanborn Map Company. The orthoimagery provided is 4-band (R, G, B, NIR), 8-bit per pixel and delivered in section tiles in uncompressed TIFF/TFW, compressed SID/SDW (10:1) and compressed JP2000 (10:1) formats. The data was collected on December 13 and December 17, 2018 at an altitude range between 10647 and 11631 feet using an UltraCam Eagle camera and complies with the NSSDA standards, large scale maps at 1" = 100'. This orthoimagery is published in California State Plane Zone III North, NAD 83(2011), NAVD88, U.S. Survey Feet.

Copyright Text: County of Santa Clara; The Sanborn Map Co.

Spatial Reference:

Single Fused Map Cache: true

Capabilities: Map,TilesOnly

Tile Info:
Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Min Scale: 5.91657527591555E8
Max Scale: 564.248588

Min LOD: 0
Max LOD: 20

Units: esriMeters

Supported Image Format Types: MIXED

Export Tiles Allowed: true
Max Export Tiles Count: 100000

Document Info: