Services Directory Login
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Coordinate System is MGA2020-55 (EPSG #7855).  The ACT Boundary is a single region defined for land administration and the legal description of the Australian Capital Territory. The ACT boundary is defined in metes and bounds in the in the Districts Act 1966, and cannot be changed without changes to the legislation. The ACT Border was first defined by surveyors between 1910 and 1915, it was redefined by surveyors again between 2003 and 2008. The original border is defined by metes and bounds description in the Seat of Governance ACT 1909, the current ACT Border definition is shown on survey plans held at the ACT Environment, Planning and Sustainable Delivery Directorate. The ACT Boundary is 306 kilometers, covering an area of 2,358 kilometers squared. The ACT is bounded by the Goulburn-Cooma railway line in the east, the watershed of Naas Creek in the south, the watershed of the Cotter River in the west.

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