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Current Version: 10.81

Service Description: This tile layer comprises of both the overlay line features and boundary features (public land reserves). 

Overlay line features include: ‘Special Requirements apply flanking Main Avenues and Approach Routes’ and ‘Intertown Public Transport Route’. These overlays are identified in the National Capital Plan and have implications for proposed development within these areas.

The Territory Plan is the key statutory planning document in the ACT, providing the policy framework for the administration of planning in the ACT. It is changed from time to time due to social, economic and environmental reasons. The Territory Plan is used to manage development, in particular the way in which land is used and what can be built. It is used in assessment of development applications and to guide the development of new estate areas (future urban land). 

There are 9 types of public land reserve:

Other overlays are:

The Territory Plan is the key statutory planning document in the ACT, providing the policy framework for the administration of planning in the ACT. It is changed from time to time due to social, economic and environmental reasons. The Territory Plan is used to manage development, in particular the way in which land is used and what can be built. It is used in assessment of development applications and to guide the development of new estate areas (future urban land).

Map Name: Layers


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Layers: Description: This tile layer comprises of both the overlay line features and boundary features (public land reserves). 

Overlay line features include: ‘Special Requirements apply flanking Main Avenues and Approach Routes’ and ‘Intertown Public Transport Route’. These overlays are identified in the National Capital Plan and have implications for proposed development within these areas.

The Territory Plan is the key statutory planning document in the ACT, providing the policy framework for the administration of planning in the ACT. It is changed from time to time due to social, economic and environmental reasons. The Territory Plan is used to manage development, in particular the way in which land is used and what can be built. It is used in assessment of development applications and to guide the development of new estate areas (future urban land). 

There are 9 types of public land reserve:

Other overlays are:

The Territory Plan is the key statutory planning document in the ACT, providing the policy framework for the administration of planning in the ACT. It is changed from time to time due to social, economic and environmental reasons. The Territory Plan is used to manage development, in particular the way in which land is used and what can be built. It is used in assessment of development applications and to guide the development of new estate areas (future urban land).

Copyright Text: Australian Capital Territory

Spatial Reference:

Single Fused Map Cache: true

Capabilities: Map,TilesOnly,Tilemap

Tile Info:
Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Min Scale: 144447.638572
Max Scale: 0.0

Min LOD: 10
Max LOD: 18

Units: esriMeters

Supported Image Format Types: PNG

Export Tiles Allowed: false
Max Export Tiles Count: 100000

Resampling: true

Document Info: