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okeanos_explorer_grids_hillshade (Map Service)

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Current Version: 10.81

Service Description:

This image service provides a seamless mosaic of gridded bathymetric products derived from multibeam data collected by the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. The products were created from data collected on cruises starting in 2009 through the current field season. This tiled service provides visualization to the MB Bathy Tiled Elevation data mesh within 3D Scenes.Surveys containing restricted data may or may not be included within this layer. 

Multibeam sonar data and products archived with NOAA National Center for Environmental Information (NCEI) are accessible through the NOAA Ocean Exploration Data Atlas, the Okeanos Explorer Data Landing Pages, and the Bathymetric Data Viewer

Data Visualization Tips:

This is a color shaded relief visualization using Esri's "multidirectional hillshade". The depths are displayed using this color ramp:

Numerous bathymetric AGOL products exist for Okeanos Explorer. Please read the below descriptions to ensure proper usage:

  • Bathy Coverage hosted feature layer provides polygons of where multibeam data were collected. This layer does not visually represent the data values.

  • Bathy Grids imagery layer provides a seamless mosaic of gridded multibeam products. 

  • Bathy Grids (subsets) imagery layer is a slightly less optimized version of the previous layer but allows users to filter data based on Survey ID, etc. 

  • Near-Real-Time Bathy Grids imagery layer provides a seamless mosaic of provisional multibeam products delivered daily during ship operations. Data not yet archived at NCEI may also be found here prior to ingest.

  • Bathy Grids (tiled color hillshade visualization) layer provides a more optimized data visualization that the previously listed imagery layers. This layer can be coupled with the below tiled elevation layer for 3D visualization within Esri Scenes. 

  • Bathy Grids (tiled elevation) layer provides an elevation mesh. Couple this layer with the above tiled color hillshade for 3D visualization within Esri Scenes. 

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This image service provides a seamless mosaic of gridded bathymetric products derived from multibeam data collected by the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. The products were created from data collected on cruises starting in 2009 through the current field season. This tiled service provides visualization to the MB Bathy Tiled Elevation data mesh within 3D Scenes.Surveys containing restricted data may or may not be included within this layer. 

Multibeam sonar data and products archived with NOAA National Center for Environmental Information (NCEI) are accessible through the NOAA Ocean Exploration Data Atlas, the Okeanos Explorer Data Landing Pages, and the Bathymetric Data Viewer

Data Visualization Tips:

This is a color shaded relief visualization using Esri's "multidirectional hillshade". The depths are displayed using this color ramp:

Numerous bathymetric AGOL products exist for Okeanos Explorer. Please read the below descriptions to ensure proper usage:

  • Bathy Coverage hosted feature layer provides polygons of where multibeam data were collected. This layer does not visually represent the data values.

  • Bathy Grids imagery layer provides a seamless mosaic of gridded multibeam products. 

  • Bathy Grids (subsets) imagery layer is a slightly less optimized version of the previous layer but allows users to filter data based on Survey ID, etc. 

  • Near-Real-Time Bathy Grids imagery layer provides a seamless mosaic of provisional multibeam products delivered daily during ship operations. Data not yet archived at NCEI may also be found here prior to ingest.

  • Bathy Grids (tiled color hillshade visualization) layer provides a more optimized data visualization that the previously listed imagery layers. This layer can be coupled with the below tiled elevation layer for 3D visualization within Esri Scenes. 

  • Bathy Grids (tiled elevation) layer provides an elevation mesh. Couple this layer with the above tiled color hillshade for 3D visualization within Esri Scenes. 

Please provide any feedback or questions to 

Copyright Text: NOAA Ocean Exploration; NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

Spatial Reference:

Single Fused Map Cache: true

Capabilities: Map,TilesOnly,Tilemap

Tile Info:
Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Min Scale: 5.91657527591555E8
Max Scale: 50.0

Min LOD: 0
Max LOD: 13

Units: esriMeters

Supported Image Format Types: MIXED

Export Tiles Allowed: false
Max Export Tiles Count: 100000

Resampling: true

Document Info: