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multibeam_mosaic_hillshade (Map Service)

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Current Version: 10.81

Service Description: Bathymetry is the measurement of the depth of the ocean floor, data that can be used for a variety of purposes such as: nautical charting, oceanographic research and modeling, habitat classification, maritime commerce, and recreational applications. The Multibeam Bathymetry Database (MBBDB) at NCEI collects and archives multibeam data from the earliest commercial installations (circa 1980) through today's modern high-resolution collections. Data are acquired from both U.S. and international government and academic sources (see individual cruise metadata records for source information) and consist of the raw (as collected) sonar data files. Datasets may also include processed or edited versions of the sonar data, ancillary data (i.e., sound velocity data), derived products (i.e., grids), and/or metadata for the data collection. The MBBDB provides data that span the globe and are discoverable and accessible via map interface or text-only search options. More information about the database can be found here.

This ArcGIS image service provides a color shaded relief visualization of gridded multibeam data from the entire archive. Each individual survey has been gridded at a 3 arc-second cell size (~100m), divided into 10-degree tiles, then organized into an ArcGIS mosaic dataset. "Overviews" are then built upon the underlying tiles to provide a seamless raster that combines all the surveys. Where surveys overlap, the mean depth value of the contributing surveys is used.

Note: NCEI's archive typically contains the raw, unedited multibeam data provided by the data contributors. There are some erroneous depth values and/or data artifacts visible in this service. These data should not be used for navigational purposes.

There are three services providing access to the multibeam archive:
This tiled service is also available as a downloadable tile package (.tpkx file) usable in ArcGIS Pro / ArcGIS Desktop software.

For ship tracks of the multibeam surveys, along with additional metadata and links to obtain the data, see the corresponding Multibeam Bathymetric Surveys service.

NCEI's Bathymetric Data Viewer (NOAA GeoPlatform entry) provides an interactive mapping interface to the multibeam database as well as other sources of bathymetric data.

For visualization, the water depths are displayed using this color ramp:

Mosaic last updated: Mar. 5, 2024.

Metadata for the Multibeam Bathymetric Database

Map Name: Layers


All Layers and Tables

Description: Bathymetry is the measurement of the depth of the ocean floor, data that can be used for a variety of purposes such as: nautical charting, oceanographic research and modeling, habitat classification, maritime commerce, and recreational applications. The Multibeam Bathymetry Database (MBBDB) at NCEI collects and archives multibeam data from the earliest commercial installations (circa 1980) through today's modern high-resolution collections. Data are acquired from both U.S. and international government and academic sources (see individual cruise metadata records for source information) and consist of the raw (as collected) sonar data files. Datasets may also include processed or edited versions of the sonar data, ancillary data (i.e., sound velocity data), derived products (i.e., grids), and/or metadata for the data collection. The MBBDB provides data that span the globe and are discoverable and accessible via map interface or text-only search options. More information about the database can be found here.

This ArcGIS image service provides a color shaded relief visualization of gridded multibeam data from the entire archive. Each individual survey has been gridded at a 3 arc-second cell size (~100m), divided into 10-degree tiles, then organized into an ArcGIS mosaic dataset. "Overviews" are then built upon the underlying tiles to provide a seamless raster that combines all the surveys. Where surveys overlap, the mean depth value of the contributing surveys is used.

Note: NCEI's archive typically contains the raw, unedited multibeam data provided by the data contributors. There are some erroneous depth values and/or data artifacts visible in this service. These data should not be used for navigational purposes.

There are three services providing access to the multibeam archive:
This tiled service is also available as a downloadable tile package (.tpkx file) usable in ArcGIS Pro / ArcGIS Desktop software.

For ship tracks of the multibeam surveys, along with additional metadata and links to obtain the data, see the corresponding Multibeam Bathymetric Surveys service.

NCEI's Bathymetric Data Viewer (NOAA GeoPlatform entry) provides an interactive mapping interface to the multibeam database as well as other sources of bathymetric data.

For visualization, the water depths are displayed using this color ramp:

Mosaic last updated: Mar. 5, 2024.

Metadata for the Multibeam Bathymetric Database

Copyright Text: NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

Spatial Reference:

Single Fused Map Cache: true

Capabilities: Map,TilesOnly,Tilemap

Tile Info:
Initial Extent:
Full Extent:
Min Scale: 5.91657527591555E8
Max Scale: 50.0

Min LOD: 0
Max LOD: 11

Units: esriMeters

Supported Image Format Types: MIXED

Export Tiles Allowed: false
Max Export Tiles Count: 100000

Resampling: true

Document Info: