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MaizeYieldPotential (Map Service)

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Current Version: 10.81

Service Description: Large yield variations exist across the world, even among regions with similar growing conditions, suggesting the existence of 'yield gaps'. Here we define a yield gap as the difference between observed crop yields and the potential yield at the same location. It is estimated that bringing the world's yields to within 95% of their potential for 16 important food and feed crops could increase current production by 58%. Yield gaps were estimated by comparing observed yields to potential yields determined by identifying high-yielding areas within zones, or bins, of similar climate. Detailed methods and the citation for this data set: 1. Foley JA, Ramankutty N, Brauman KA, Cassidy ES, Gerber JS, Johnston M, Mueller ND, O'Connell C, Ray DK, West PC, Balzer C, Bennett EM, Carpenter SR, Hill J, Monfreda C, Polasky S, Rockström J, Sheehan J, Siebert S, Tilman D, Zaks DP: Solutions for a cultivated planet. Nature; 2011 Oct 20;478(7369):337-42 2. Mueller, ND, JS Gerber, M Johnston, DK Ray, N Ramankutty, and JA Foley. 2012. Closing yield gaps through nutrient and water management. Nature doi:10.1038/nature11420. 490:254-257.

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Layers: Tables: Description: Large yield variations exist across the world, even among regions with similar growing conditions, suggesting the existence of 'yield gaps'. Here we define a yield gap as the difference between observed crop yields and the potential yield at the same location. It is estimated that bringing the world's yields to within 95% of their potential for 16 important food and feed crops could increase current production by 58%. Yield gaps were estimated by comparing observed yields to potential yields determined by identifying high-yielding areas within zones, or bins, of similar climate. Detailed methods and the citation for this data set: 1. Foley JA, Ramankutty N, Brauman KA, Cassidy ES, Gerber JS, Johnston M, Mueller ND, O'Connell C, Ray DK, West PC, Balzer C, Bennett EM, Carpenter SR, Hill J, Monfreda C, Polasky S, Rockström J, Sheehan J, Siebert S, Tilman D, Zaks DP: Solutions for a cultivated planet. Nature; 2011 Oct 20;478(7369):337-42 2. Mueller, ND, JS Gerber, M Johnston, DK Ray, N Ramankutty, and JA Foley. 2012. Closing yield gaps through nutrient and water management. Nature doi:10.1038/nature11420. 490:254-257.

Copyright Text: University of Minnesota - Institute on the Environment - Global Landscapes Initiative & McGill University Land Use and the Global Environment lab - visit for more information

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Single Fused Map Cache: true

Capabilities: Map,TilesOnly

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Units: esriMeters

Supported Image Format Types: MIXED

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Max Export Tiles Count: 100000

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