1984 (Map Service)
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ArcGIS JavaScript
Current Version: 10.81
Service Description: A python GIS script was used to rapidly clip the images and georeference them versus doing them by hand which would have taken several months. The aerial photos were not scanned uniformaly, so there was not a high accuracy in the first
Map Name: Layers
All Layers and Tables
Description: A python GIS script was used to rapidly clip the images and georeference them versus doing them by hand which would have taken several months. The aerial photos were not scanned uniformaly, so there was not a high accuracy in the first
Copyright Text: City of Austin
Spatial Reference: 102739
Single Fused Map Cache: true
Capabilities: Map,TilesOnly
Tile Info:
- Height: 256
- Width: 256
- DPI: 96
- Levels of Detail: (# Levels: 12)
- Level ID: 0 [Start Tile, End Tile]
Resolution: 533.3333333333333
Scale: 614400.0
- Level ID: 1 [Start Tile, End Tile]
Resolution: 266.66666666666663
Scale: 307200.0
- Level ID: 2 [Start Tile, End Tile]
Resolution: 133.33333333333331
Scale: 153600.0
- Level ID: 3 [Start Tile, End Tile]
Resolution: 66.66666666666666
Scale: 76800.0
- Level ID: 4 [Start Tile, End Tile]
Resolution: 33.33333333333333
Scale: 38400.0
- Level ID: 5 [Start Tile, End Tile]
Resolution: 16.666666666666664
Scale: 19200.0
- Level ID: 6 [Start Tile, End Tile]
Resolution: 8.333333333333332
Scale: 9600.0
- Level ID: 7 [Start Tile, End Tile]
Resolution: 4.166666666666666
Scale: 4800.0
- Level ID: 8 [Start Tile, End Tile]
Resolution: 2.083333333333333
Scale: 2400.0
- Level ID: 9 [Start Tile, End Tile]
Resolution: 1.0416666666666665
Scale: 1200.0
- Level ID: 10 [Start Tile, End Tile]
Resolution: 0.5208333333333333
Scale: 600.0
- Level ID: 11 [Start Tile, End Tile]
Resolution: 0.26041666666666663
Scale: 300.0
- Format: MIXED
- Compression Quality: 75
- Origin:
X: -1.248055E8
Y: 1.72281E8
- Spatial Reference:
Initial Extent: XMin: 2957631.208825444
YMin: 9979844.550934367
XMax: 3233256.2088254434
YMax: 1.0186511217601033E7
Spatial Reference:
Full Extent: XMin: 2998238.58760875
YMin: 9977801.5240364
XMax: 3197493.3998363498
YMax: 1.0188554244499E7
Spatial Reference:
Min Scale: 614400.0
Max Scale: 300.0
Min LOD: 0
Max LOD: 11
Units: esriFeet
Supported Image Format Types: MIXED
Export Tiles Allowed: false
Max Export Tiles Count: 100000
Document Info: - Title: 1984 Aerial Imagery
- Author: CTM.Basemaps
- Comments:
- Subject: This layer contains scanned black and white aerial photos based on the Austin 200' grid, taken by United Aerial Mapping in March 1984
- Category:
- Keywords: 1984, Imagery, Aerial, Historical Imagery, Basemap, Aerial Imagery, Aerails